Detralex or Venarus?

Sitting work, wearing tight shoes with large heels, improper nutrition, pregnancy are just a small part of the factors that provoke the development of violations of venous circulation in women. And the most common diseases associated with this are varicose veins on the legs and hemorrhoids .

When is Detralex or Venarus appointed?

Treatment of these pathologies provides for a comprehensive approach, the main tasks of which are to strengthen the vascular wall, increase the tone of blood vessels, improve blood circulation in them. For this, medicinal preparations of both local and systemic action are used.

Preparations Detraleks (France) and Venarus (Russia) are often recommended by doctors and are introduced into the treatment regimen of the diseases under consideration. And many specialists suggest using one or another drug to choose from, they are analogs. However, many patients are tormented by the following: what is better and more effective in treating varicose veins and hemorrhoids - Detralex or Venarus? Let's try to understand this question.

Detraleks and Venarus - what's the difference?

Both Detralex and Venarus are available in the form of oral coated tablets. Both drugs contain the same active ingredients - diosmin and hesperidin, in the same concentrations. Almost no different lists of auxiliary substances and components of the film shell of tablets. Due to the action of the active components, the following effect is achieved after the application of both drugs:

All this allows you to eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the legs, soreness, swelling, and also get rid of the symptoms of hemorrhoids (pain, burning, bleeding). It is worth noting that the duration of treatment and that and the other drug, on average, is about 2-3 months.

But there are differences between these medicines. The main of them is that the drug Detralex, getting into the body, absorbed more fully and quickly. This is achieved by a special manufacturing method, these tablets contain the active ingredients in the form of a purified micronised fraction. In addition, Detralex underwent several clinical trials, where its effectiveness was confirmed. This explains its higher cost. At the same time, many patients note the high efficiency of the Russian Venarus.

Thus, it can be concluded that choosing which of the two drugs to give preference to, you should focus on your own financial capabilities. After all, as already mentioned, the course of treatment is quite long.