Diaphragmatic hernia - symptoms and treatment

A diaphragm is a septum that separates the thoracic cavity from the peritoneum. It consists of striated muscles and connective tissues. Symptoms appear and treatment of diaphragmatic hernia is required when organs normally located in the abdominal cavity are moved to the sternum. This can occur because of the weakening of connective tissues, their congenital and acquired defects. The latter may appear on the background of pregnancy, heavy physical exertion or regular consumption of unhealthy foods.

Symptoms of the diaphragmatic hernia

This ailment is quite common. And the fair sex suffer from it more often than men. Heartburn is one of the most common signs of the problem. They can occur immediately after eating, as a result of physical exertion and even because of a sudden change in body position. Most patients with hernias also complain of pain. As a rule, painful sensations are localized in the retrosternal region, but sometimes they can be felt in the hypochondrium.

It is necessary to take the treatment of diaphragmatic hernia and with such symptoms as:

Almost always the hernia makes itself felt, but there are also cases when the disease is asymptomatic. This is observed when the size of the "seeping" through the diaphragm of the organ is too small.

Symptoms of infringement of diaphragmatic hernia

Perhaps the most unpleasant complication is the infringement of the hernia. Injured hernias can be primary and secondary. They arise because of physical exertion or against the background of the already existing hernial sac, respectively. Any organ can fall into the chest cavity.

To understand that you are dealing with infringement, you can by sudden sudden pain. In addition, fill the fallen body in place will be pretty much impossible.

Treatment for diaphragmatic hernia will also be necessary if, in addition to the attack of pain, it is observed:

Treatment of diaphragmatic hernia with folk remedies and medicines

The therapy is chosen depending on which organ is affected and how difficult the problem is. Usually, sliding hernias are treated with conservative methods. In this case, there is no need to traumatize the body. Appointed drug therapy and when a small hernia.

The most topical drugs are antacids. They quickly and gently eliminate the underlying symptom. The best in their category are:

Required for hernia and diet. From the diet should be excluded from tobacco, alcohol, caffeine. There is a little need, and the food should be low-fat and not too salty.

Adherents of folk methods of treatment are struggling with diaphragmatic hernia of herbs:

  1. Extremely useful for the body is the decoction of the aspen bark.
  2. Many healers recommend drinking on the teaspoon large-flowered shoes.
  3. Bloating neutralizes the decoction of cumin, anise, fennel and mint.
  4. Purify the body with an infusion of gooseberry leaves. You need to drink it three times - four times a day.
  5. Even the most severe pain with diaphragmatic hernia removes the infusion of the twill . Use it preferably before eating.