Microinsult - consequences

After a circulatory disturbance in the brain tissues, a certain recovery period is required. In the proposed article, we will find out what are the consequences of the micro-stroke, how to cope with them and return to a normal, full-fledged life.

Microinsult - symptoms and consequences

The primary signs of the disease are headache and dizziness. It is difficult for a person to coordinate movements, orientation in space is lost. In some cases, severe nausea and vomiting occur. Among the common symptoms of a micro stroke and the consequences following a hemorrhage, it is worth noting also the inability of a person to smile, the inability (full or partial) to move limbs, the feeling of "goosebumps". In the future, these signs are significantly enhanced, can be accompanied by blurred vision, inadequate behavior, partial loss of memory and common sense.

What is dangerous microinsult - negative consequences

This disease, although it does not affect the vast parts of the brain and often goes without tangible consequences, but it is an alarming sign of serious disorders in the circulatory system. Platelets with increased ability to thicken and adhere to the walls of blood vessels form numerous thrombi that impede blood flow and oxygen exchange. In addition, the cholesterol balance in the body is violated, which leads to the accumulation of excess fatty acids and the formation of plaques.

Thus, a microstroke is the first sign of an approaching ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke - a disease that often ends in a fatal outcome.

Whether there was a microinsult - how to learn or find out?

Symptoms of pathology are not always easy to recognize, especially if a person is still young and has a relatively healthy lifestyle. The surest way to diagnose a microstroke is to see a doctor. Then follow the mandatory blood test, magnetic resonance imaging and dopplerography. These studies can accurately determine what changes occurred in the body, the volume of damaged parts of the brain and the state of the cardiovascular system.

Recovery and rehabilitation after a micro stroke

The period of drug treatment is to take special drugs to normalize blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the ability of red blood cells to accumulate and form clots. In addition, medications are prescribed to support brain activity and restore neural connections. Such remedies improve memory, help to focus attention and contribute to the normalization of a person's intellectual abilities.

In the future, the effects of a micro-stroke are eliminated through various physiotherapy procedures:

Usually a complex of similar measures in conjunction with drug therapy has a stable and rapid effect. Life after the micro stroke is normal, a person completely restores coordination of movements and brain activity is normalized. In order to prevent a second stroke or development of negative consequences, it is recommended to follow preventive measures, give preference to a healthy lifestyle, regularly visit a specialist. In addition, sanatorium treatment will be useful at least once a year.

A diet with a micro stroke does not provide strict limitations, but excludes products with high fat content and tonic drinks. It is advisable to limit salt intake.