Thick blood causes

The functioning of the cardiovascular system directly depends on the composition and quality of circulating biological fluids in the body. Contaminated lymph, viscous and dense blood - the causes of such diseases as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and angina pectoris, stroke, infarction.

What is the cause of dense blood in humans?

It is known that the liquid in question is almost 90% water. Therefore, the main factor, due to which there is a thickening of the blood, is dehydration. This condition leads to the fact that the tissues begin to extract water from the vascular bed, respectively, its number in the arteries and veins is sharply reduced.

Other causes of dense blood:

  1. Reception of aggressive medicines (antibiotics, corticosteroid hormones). To process medicines, the body needs more water than under normal conditions.
  2. Accumulation of acids (animals or plant) in the kidneys. Excess intake of the described substances provokes the increased work of the urinary system, which significantly affects the composition of blood and the content of water in it.
  3. High concentration of cholesterol and harmful lipid compounds.
  4. Imbalance of blood composition with predominance of proteins and platelets.
  5. Inflammatory diseases of the pancreas. This body produces enzymes involved in the production of hormones and hematopoiesis.
  6. Dysbacteriosis for various reasons. Violation of the intestinal microflora leads to a difficulty in absorption of nutrients and vitamins, which negatively affects the composition of the blood.
  7. Stress, depression, psycho-emotional overload. These reasons cause sharp jumps in the level of adrenaline, which significantly affects the ratio of blood cells.
  8. Smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction. Constant and regular poisoning of the body with toxic substances worsens the composition and consistency of the biological fluid.
  9. Poor environmental conditions, professional activities related to chemical production.
  10. Irrational nutrition with the predominance of simple carbohydrates, sugars.
  11. Deficiency of vitamins, micro-, macroelements, minerals.
  12. Pregnancy.

Causes and symptoms of very dense blood

There are situations when the severe pathologies of the cardiovascular channel do not depend on the patient himself. For example, the common cause of very dense blood in the body is the consequences of the therapy of malignant tumors. Irradiation and chemotherapy affect the viscosity of the biological fluid at the molecular level, and it is practically impossible to combat this problem without the use of special preparations.

A few more factors:

The main signs of blood clotting:

It should be noted that the above symptoms are rarely seen by patients at an early stage of the pathology, so the specialist is treated already in the presence of a number of diseases due to blood thickening - varicose veins, stenocardia, hypertension, migraine. The most serious and dangerous complication of the disturbance of the balance of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets is transient ischemic attacks, often causing stroke, edema of the brain and, as a consequence, tissue death.