Laryngotracheitis - symptoms

Laryngotracheitis is a disease of the upper respiratory tract, which is characterized by inflammation of the larynx and trachea. These organs perform important functions - they provide free passage of air from the nasopharynx into the bronchi, and also purify the air flow and warm it to body temperature. Disruption of the upper respiratory tract is indicated by the process of breathing and the functioning of the larynx, so the appearance and development of the disease has obvious signs that the patient himself is able to observe.

Forms of laryngotracheitis

Laryngotracheitis can develop in several forms, each of which has its own peculiarities of manifestation, so it is not superfluous to know the classification of the disease. All laryngotracheitis are divided into two large groups - these are acute and chronic. In turn, sharp are divided into:

In the second case, the disease is characterized in this way, which occurs repeatedly. To provoke its appearance, there may be a cold or unfavorable conditions for the weakened airways: a prolonged stay in a dusty room, too humid air, and so on.

The acute form of laryngotracheitis promises a continuous or undulating course of the disease.

The cause of the chronic form of the disease is incorrect therapy or complete absence of treatment of acute laryngotracheitis. Therefore, patients with a chronic form often consult a doctor who has been engaged in self-treatment for a long time, and only a significant deterioration in their health can "reason" them.

But there is a second reason for the development of a chronic form - this is the professional overstrain of the ligaments. This often affects the teacher.

Three types of chronic laryngotracheitis:

  1. Catarrhal. This species is characterized by the appearance of redness and swelling of the vocal cords and trachea.
  2. Atrophic. At this type of disease, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is slowly atrophied. Atrophic laryngotracheitis affects heavy smokers and people whose work takes place in very contaminated rooms (miners, in some cases - furniture makers), if safety is not preserved.
  3. Hyperplastic. With this kind of inflamed areas increase significantly, because of what the voice becomes husky.

Symptoms of chronic laryngotracheitis

Signs of the appearance of laryngotracheitis are an elevated temperature of 38-39 ° C, which is accompanied by:

Also the chronic form is accompanied by a dry cough, which is also called "barking". When you cough, sputum is produced and chest pain increases. Violation of voice and hoarseness is observed in all patients, therefore, when laryngotracheitis is recommended to remain silent and in no case to speak in a whisper, since in this case the vocal cords strain two to three times stronger.

At the first stages of the development of the disease, the patient feels voice fatigue with a long conversation, in a healthy state this symptom is absent.

Symptoms of acute laryngotracheitis

Symptoms of acute stenosing laryngotracheitis in an adult differ from a chronic form only by some of its manifestations, namely:

  1. The disease develops two to three days after the onset of a cold.
  2. The acute form is manifested suddenly, most often at night.
  3. The patient breathes noisily, while there is a low whistle.
  4. Shortness of breath may develop at the culminating stage of the disease.

The remaining symptoms - high fever, hoarseness, deaf cough and runny nose - are repeated. Therefore, for correct diagnosis of the disease, the physician draws attention to those differences between the diseases that were listed earlier.

Summarizing, we can say that, depending on the form of laryngotracheitis, it has various symptoms that can easily be identified by the patient himself. But you should not do self-medication, but it's best to see a doctor right away.