Remedy for sunburn

Burns, which are caused by the sun, usually show redness. But in severe cases they can be accompanied by more severe symptoms: the skin swells, it is painful, very sensitive and itchy, loses moisture and easily becomes infected. In any case, you should use the medicine against sunburn. They help to moisten damaged areas and accelerate their regeneration .

Wound healing preparations

With sunburn of the skin, any wound healing remedy should be used. Drugs of this group have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve local metabolic processes, thereby significantly speeding up the healing process. Effective and safe wound-healing preparations include:

  1. Panthenol - it is believed that this is the best remedy for sunburn, because it can be used at any stage and degree of skin damage. It is available in the form of cream, foam and ointment. Panthenol quickly moisturizes and stimulates recovery processes even in heavily damaged tissues.
  2. Methyluracil - is used to treat light and severe burn wounds. He for a short period of time stimulates the regenerative processes in the tissues. Issued Methyluracil in the form of ointments on a paraffin base.
  3. Solcoseryl - has various dosage forms (gel, ointment, jelly), accelerates healing and prevents the formation of scars.

Antiseptic preparations

To prevent a possible infection in an open burn wound, you need to use local drugs containing antibacterial substances. The most effective antiseptic means for sunburn are:

  1. Agrosulfan - the basis of this drug is silver, it has an excellent barrier effect for light burn injuries. Use it for strong and deep burns, which are accompanied by various secretions, is not recommended.
  2. Oflokain is an inexpensive remedy for sunburn, which is a combination of lidocaine on a water-soluble basis and an antibacterial substance. It perfectly protects the wound surface, moisturizes it and removes pain. With the formation of dead tissue, Oflocaine stimulates their rejection.
  3. Miramistin is indicated for the treatment of burns caused by sunlight, of any complexity, since it has an antibacterial effect against a variety of harmful microorganisms and fungi.

Combined funds

Combined remedies against sunburn - a drug that includes both anesthetics and antiseptics, and wound healing components. Often they also have vitamins and various biologically active substances that accelerate healing. Such combined medicines include:

  1. Fastin - contains furatsilin, anestezin and sintomitsin, suitable for the treatment of superficial and deep burns in the healing stage.
  2. Rescuer - it contains beeswax, extracts of medicinal plants, sea buckthorn oil and other components that form a protective film on the skin.

Folk remedies

The most affordable home remedy for sunburn - sour cream. It should be applied to the affected area with a thick layer. Sour cream eliminates redness, moisturizes and even helps to quickly relieve pain. If it was absorbed in just a few minutes, you can smear her skin again.

Another effective folk remedy for sunburn ointment with egg yolks.

Ointment Recipe



Boil the eggs, extract the yolks and fry them in a skillet with butter over low heat until a black, sticky mass is obtained. She needs to lubricate the burned places.