Bovine uterus during pregnancy

Phytotherapy or herbal therapy is rapidly gaining popularity in modern society: in an attempt to escape from the ubiquitous chemistry, people again turned to natural medicines. Increasingly, people do not buy pharmaceutical products, but homeopathic preparations and herbal teas, mixtures, and preparations. After all, the components contained in plants are familiar to the human body, have a wide range of therapeutic effects and are harmless in moderate application. Increasingly, people who are disillusioned with official medicine or simply do not trust it come to phytotherapy. One such case is infertility with an unknown cause.

Medicinal teas

Popular among those wishing to become pregnant, women use phytotea boron uterus - leaves, stems about the inflorescence of plants, the botanical name of which sounds like "one-sided orthility" - a small, unsightly plant with oval oblong leaves growing mainly in the shade, is especially common in Siberia. It blooms with whitish-green inflorescences resembling bells - but they are located on one side of the stem - hence the name "one-sided".

Use of the hog uterus during pregnancy

According to numerous sources in the Internet, information is spread that the bovine uterus during pregnancy improves fetal nutrition, prevents fetoplacental insufficiency, increases the weight gain of the fetus and facilitates the process of childbirth. Let's see what is out of this corresponds to reality.

The harbor uterus includes more than 14 different biological substances, each of which has a powerful effect on the body, and in sum these effects are difficult to separate separately. Yes, the bovine uterus is often used in the treatment of diseases of the female sexual sphere and contains many bioactive substances, rendering:

The papilla also treats inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract in women and men - urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis and even prostate adenoma.

Boron uterus is good and bad

It should not be overlooked that self-treatment with a harrowing uterus can harm the body. So, one of the components of this plant - coumarin-like substance - reduces coagulability of blood, can provoke bleeding and have a significant hepatotoxic effect. A number of other components can cause gastrointestinal disorders, impaired renal function, inhibit the cardiovascular system.

Borovaja uterus - application at pregnancy

Applying this product during pregnancy, you should be especially careful, you should consult your gynecologist before starting to use, as uncontrolled reception is fraught with uterine bleeding, miscarriage, the threat of termination of pregnancy and significant toxic effects on the fetus.

How to drink the uterus correctly?

50 grams of leaves of the hog uterus should be poured in 500 ml of boiling water and allow to infuse the mixture for 3 days in a dry, cool place. Accept the received Infusion of 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening after the end of the menstrual cycle (if you drink during menstruation, you can get uterine bleeding).

Grass borovary uterus - contraindications

Contraindications for the reception of the hog uterus are: