Liquid wallpaper for the kitchen

Many of us have heard about liquid wallpaper, and someone already has experience of using them for repair and further operation. This material is not exactly like a roll wallpaper, although it has the word in the title. Sale liquid wallpaper in bags in the form of a dry mixture, which must first be brought to the desired consistency, and then with a spatula, apply to the walls and wait for drying.

Many doubt whether liquid wallpaper for the kitchen is suitable, because because of their structure they seem excessively hygroscopic and absorb odors. In fact, it is liquid wallpaper is the best suited for kitchen walls.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper for kitchen

In addition to creating a cozy and warm atmosphere, such wallpapers can boast such advantages over conventional wallpapers:

Variants of liquid wallpaper for kitchen

Liquid wallpapers from several components are produced - mixtures of cellulose, silk, cotton, etc. You can choose liquid wallpaper for the kitchen of any color and shade, make walls monophonic or combine several colors, creating drawings and patterns.

In addition, you can make the walls smooth or bulky, with a certain texture, depending on the roller used. With its help, you can create any patterns on the walls, just as it does with textured plaster.

Liquid wallpaper for the kitchen, covered with acrylic or latex varnish, are washable, that is, any dirt from them can easily be removed with a damp sponge or napkin.