Interior of the living room in bright colors

Whatever one may say, a bright, bright living room always looks cozy and beautiful. The use of muted, discreet, light colors in the design of the room gives an excellent ground for imagination and experiments in interior design of the living room in light colors. Then the most important room of your house will look much more spacious.

Living room design in bright colors

Due to the property of light colors, visually expand and enlarge the space, this option is ideal for rooms with a small area. It is not necessary to use in snow-white, blinding tones, it is necessary to apply soft shades from the color of ivory to gently golden.

On the floor it will be better to look light ash-wood parquet with dark inserts, or a cream-colored laminate made of valuable wood. This solution is perfect for a living room in light brown and even light green colors.

Particular attention should be given to lighting - these are chandeliers , plafonds, floor lamps, built-in lamps, mainly light beige, sandy or golden tones. They should be consistent in a single style, and harmoniously combined with paintings in gold and bronze frames, outdoor vases and bright colors of dishes.

In the interior of the living room in light colors, light, not too massive furniture, maybe with a hint of classics, and at the same time have different forms will look great. Such details as rollers and cushions should be in a tone of upholstery of golden-bronze or light beige furniture.

If the house does not have enough space for the embodiment of the conceived interior, an excellent option will be a combined kitchen - a living room in light colors. In this case, to visually expand the space, it is better to install a wall or cabinet, with mirror inserts.