Caboomba in the aquarium

Water plant kabomba is very popular among aquarists not only in view of its pleasant appearance, but also because of its unpretentiousness in planting and keeping. It grows everywhere in the waters of South America, it, like a water weed, is fixed at the bottom with its fleshy roots, painting the waters with its rich colors. The landing and care of the kabomba in the aquarium, we'll talk further.

How to plant a camouflon in an aquarium?

Since the cabomb is a unpretentious plant, it is easy and easy to plant. Usually a bushy plant is simply planted in the ground, for reliability you can press it with a stone near the rhizome. In this case, no special fertilizer is required, and the temperature can fluctuate within the standard range of 23 to 27 degrees. If you want the cabomb in the aquarium to please you with its splendor and riot of color, separate from the stem of the plant the tip - a new grown shoot will be bushy of the previous one.

Depending on your own preferences, you can plant as an ordinary green water cabbage or its relative of brown color - both will be interesting to look among aquarium animals.

Aquarium plant caboomba - content

About the unpretentiousness of the kabomba, we have mentioned more than once, the plant can quietly co-exist with the inhabitants of the aquarium, does not require much care or fertilization, but there is one thing that makes the bushy water plant drown - dirty water. Kabomba loves purity, and therefore do not become friends with the burrowing ground of the fish. Another kabomba loves light and with pleasure it stretches, growing to 2 m in length.

Reproduction of Camob

Like most aquatic plants, the cabomba reproduces vegetatively, which means that in order to increase the number of this beauty in the aquarium, it is enough to cut the shoot into parts and plant it in the soil so that there are a couple of leaves under the soil layer. Done.