Fichtha Tsikhlazoma

This fish has not only special external differences, but also a willful character and mind. This kind of fit is not for everyone and often lives with experienced aquarists.

Festa's phylum - external features

This is an extremely large fish, which reaches 50 cm. It has one of the brightest colors. Also, this fish has a strong fighting character and, upon reaching a large size, becomes a full-fledged mistress of the aquarium. Aquarium species of males reach 36 cm, and females - 20 cm. In good conditions these fish can live more than 10 years. At an early age this fish is ordinary. Only when it reaches puberty, is acquired an amazing color, which during spawning becomes most vivid. The body of the cichlasma is colored yellow-orange, with wide bands of dark shades. Head, fins, lower part and upper back of red color. Sexually mature males may lack characteristic bands on the body.

American cichlids in the aquarium: care and maintenance

Based on the huge size and aggressive behavior, this fish is best kept separately in a large aquarium. Success in the content of cichlasma directly depends on the ability to create conditions similar to natural ones for it. If you decide to keep a couple, then you need an aquarium from 450 liters. If there are other types of fish there, the size should be even larger.

As a primer, sand or fine gravel is suitable. They can also be mixed. The aquarium can be decorated with snags, stones and plants. It is also necessary to use a powerful filter and constantly monitor the purity of the water. Festa loves to dig in the ground, so plants can have problems. As an option, you can use artificial algae.

Cichlazoma Festa - undemanding fish and its content is reduced to such parameters: water temperature - 25-29 ° C, pH 6-8, dH 4-18. To reduce the aggressiveness of this fish, it is necessary to provide it with enough space for swimming, the presence of shelters and caves. The compatibility of cichlids with other fish directly depends on its size. Its neighbors may be the same large species that can stand up for themselves. The ideal combination will be the presence of external differences, manners of behavior and the way of feeding. These can be: eye-sighted knife, plectostomus, pterygoplicht, arovan, black pak or similar species: hornhorse, cichlazoma managuan, astronotus, eight-banded cichlazoma. Many experienced aquarists still believe that this species is best kept separately.