English Springer Spaniel

England is famous for many hunting breeds, but there is one of them, which is considered the most ancient. Some researchers believe that the ancestors of these dogs came to the islands even with the ancient Romans. Their appearance, of course, has changed a little over the centuries, but even now the outlines of a glorious ancestor are guessed. On ancient canvases there are often beautiful animals that have characteristic brown-black spots that have become typical for springer spaniels.

Standard Springer Spaniel

In the selection process, English dog breeders used many breeds of dogs, but it is believed that they took ancient Norfolk as the basis for this breed. These dogs were somewhat more massive and more like setters. The English tried not only to make their dogs beautiful, but also to improve their hunting qualities. In the litter there were, both large puppies and small ones. At the end of the 19th century, officially the spaniels were divided into breeds, and those who weighed more than 13 kilograms were considered sprinklers. Finally, this breed in England was registered and approved the standard only in 1902 year.

For the Cocker Spaniels, sprinklers are larger in size, about 51 cm high. They have not so big ears, and they never have a coat of the same color. The dogs of this breed are compact and proportionally proportioned, and they were always considered the best hunters. Animals have strong, muscular paws that allow them to be very quick and active. If you take all the spaniels, then sprinters among them have the highest legs. The skull of these animals is medium in size, slightly rounded, and these dogs have very strong jaws, with a scissor bite. Their body is evenly covered with a thick, not coarse, smooth coat of brown-red with white or black and white color.

Character of the Springer Spaniel

Fans of these dogs note that they do not tolerate a brutal or cruel attitude towards them. Only then you will receive from him what is required for you on a hunt, walk or competition. In the movement, they are uncontrollable in their desire to fly all the way, but at the same time sprinklers work very elegantly. Although with foreign people, dogs of this breed behave very restrained, but to the owner they are exclusively devoted. Smart, calm, balanced, you can even say intelligent springer spaniels, can be for you a wonderful home dog.

They are very appreciated by hunters, because sprinklers are not afraid of gun shots and know how to carefully study the terrain, raising hiding game. Dog trophies are brought exceptionally carefully, you can not be afraid that they will tear it up too much with their teeth. If you need to jump into the water, then these dogs will climb there without hesitation, regardless of the rapid current. All these excellent qualities were fixed as a result of a long selection, when the main emphasis was placed on dog obedience and devotion to its master.

Care for the Springer Spaniel

You can keep such smart dogs in the apartment, but you need to understand that for it you need a constant physical load. If you are too busy, and can not walk her twice a day, then she will suffer greatly. Well, when the owner likes jogging or doing other sports, then you will get a great fast companion for yourself. Otherwise, the owner risks that his pet very quickly becomes fat, turning into a flabby and clumsy respect. These animals succumb to training easily, and usually people do not have trouble when walking with a well-bred dog.

To your pet looked well-groomed, you need to periodically comb it and wash it, cut out the wool on the paws between the pads. If you live in a private country house, then you do not need to cut the claws of the English Springer Spaniels, they themselves will wear off during the walk. But there is no such space in the apartments, and they will have to be cut at least once a month. It's easy to take care of these pets, it's just that all simple procedures need to be performed systematically and carefully. Then they will look fine, and answer you with their devotion and love.