How to teach the dog the command "Aport"?

In addition to the infinite love and attention with which you surround your pets, each of them needs proper training. Start offering with mastering the basic commands.

Teaching a dog to the "aport" team is not as difficult as many imagine. The main thing is tolerance and understanding of the process of dressing.

The command "aport" means that the dog will learn how to bring you objects thrown at a distance. You need to start with the acquisition of a long leash and determine the object to throw, it can be the easiest stick.

Teaching correctly

Teaching the dog to the command "aport" is better in a quiet place, as far as possible from the city bustle, where there is enough space. It should be healthy, the optimal age for this is 5-6 months.

Training for the "Aport" team takes place according to the following scheme.

  1. Show the dog the object, but do not let it take in your teeth, slightly teasing. After that, throw it for a short distance - 3-4 meters.
  2. Wait a bit, then point with your hand toward the subject and give a clear command "aport", loosening the leash for the possibility of jogging behind the subject.
  3. Seeing that the dog picked up the object, say "aport" again and pull the leash in your direction.
  4. Take the item in exchange for a treat .

Repeating this procedure many times, take a little respite so that the pet does not get tired of a monotonous process.

Over time, the dog will bring the item without your back spurt, only hearing the command. After that, you can remove the leash and continue the lessons without it.

For a change, change the items. For example, a stick can be replaced with a ball, frisbee or a variety of accessories for games from the pet store.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to teach a puppy to the "aport" team. Do not forget to encourage the success of your favorite pet, and he will certainly answer you with devotion and love.