Hyperemia of the face

Every person throughout life sometimes encounters such an unpleasant manifestation as face hyperemia, or, quite simply, a strong and persistent reddening of the skin, which most often appears very quickly and unexpectedly. Such persistent reddening arises from the sudden expansion of small blood vessels, which are under the surface of the skin of the face in large quantities.

Causes of hyperemia of the face

As a rule, the tendency to reddening the skin of the face is inherited, which is especially pronounced in people with very light and translucent skin with a pronounced pink podton. However, many other factors can also trigger the onset of skin flare.

Natural physiological causes of hyperemia of the face

In most people, various facial skin redness is most likely due to exposure to factors such as:

Causes of hyperemia of the face and neck caused by malfunctioning of the body

Along with the widespread and reasonably innocuous causes of reddening of the facial skin listed above, there are also far from safe factors of occurrence of face hyperemia, namely:

Treatment of hyperemia of the skin of the face

Adequate treatment of persistent reddening of the skin of the face largely depends on what triggered its occurrence. So, if a person's hyperemia is observed due to the impact of natural physiological causes, then it is necessary to minimize the possibility of their occurrence.

If redness appears as a result of psychological experiences, you should try to exclude stress situations from everyday life as much as possible and learn how to control your emotions. If there is a dependence of reddening of the face after the use of certain drinks and dishes, then it is necessary to exclude them from your menu. To prevent hyperemia of the face during physical exertion, as well as in the warm season or in stuffy rooms, you should periodically irrigate your face with mineral water from spray or use special sprays with thermal water.

The situation is completely different if hyperemia is caused by various health problems, when reddening of the face is accompanied by the appearance of chest pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, muscle cramps or even loss of consciousness. In such cases, the treatment of facial hyperemia can be carried out exclusively by ambulance doctors and should be aimed at eliminating the causes of reddening of the facial skin.

With frequent cases of hyperemia a person must always consult a doctor to identify the causes of persistent redness.