Polyps in the vagina

Polyp is a growth, a growth, the formation of an unknown origin. Polypus vaginalis consists of a dense or soft tissue, the surface color is pale pink, and with inflammation purple-red. This polyp appears in the vagina and looks like a growth that is considered an abnormal skin formation. Polyps are a frequent disease, but almost always benign and do not cause any concern to the female body. Polyps differ in size, the larger the polyp, the more pain in the lower abdomen.

Symptoms of polyps in the vagina

For a long time polyps in the vagina do not show themselves, and only a doctor's examination can detect the appearance of polyps. Many gynecological diseases contribute to the appearance of clinical symptoms: bleeding, pain in sexual intercourse, discomfort in the vagina. The location of the polyps is varied. There are similar polyps of the vulva, located on the vulva, and finding them can be found at the entrance to the vagina. Sometimes polyps can be located anywhere in the vagina, and during pregnancy the number of them increases.

Causes of polyposis of the vagina

Until now, the reasons for the appearance of vaginal polyps are not clear. Many suggest that the appearance of polyps is associated with violations in the endocrine system of a woman who suffered from gynecological diseases, especially those involving cervical damage. Of great importance are hormonal disorders, especially during pregnancy. Often causes the appearance of polyps of human papillomavirus .

Diagnosis of vaginal polyps

It is not difficult to diagnose the presence of polyps when you are visually examined by a gynecologist. A colposcopy is used only when there is a need for confirmation of the diagnosis. Sometimes you need a histological or cytological examination. If diagnostics with suspicion of sarcoma are needed, differential diagnosis, biopsy, is performed.

Treatment and prevention

If polyps bring painful sensations, burning, itching or polyps injured, then all treatment will be reduced to removing such build-up. Carry out treatment with chemicals, use laser coagulation, use electric current. Even if polyps are almost always benign, it is better to exclude the presence of cancer cells in such growths.