For real masters sewing Tilda-goose - no problem, but newcomers are more difficult. It's not so easy to find step-by-step instructions, after all, such crafts are made, basically, in a soulful creative impulse, and at such moments the thought of the camera recedes into the background. It is for those who want to sew the goose-tilde with their own hands, but do not know how, we prepared this master class.
We will need:
- fabric (white, light gray, gray, beige);
- thread, needle;
- scissors;
- filler (cotton wool, sintepon, holofayber).
- To make a pattern of Tilda goose is not difficult. Enlarge the image for the desired size, print out, cut out the details. Then pin them with pins to the fabric folded twice, circle the contour with chalk, and then cut out the elements. Do not forget 3-5 millimeters to leave for allowances on seams!
- Sew the parts in pairs and unscrew them on the front side. You should have a carcass, two legs, two legs and two wings. Then fill the pads with a sintepon and use a secret seam to sew them to the legs of the goose.
- Fill the carcass, legs and wings with filler, sew all the holes. Then sew all the parts into place.
- It remains to sew the goose eye-beads, and the original toy is ready! But without clothes, the goose looks dull and gray, so find scraps of different colors, ribbons, laces, braids and include your imagination. Goose can be boys, if you sew for him a spacious shirt and short panties, and a girl. It should be dressed in a sarafan or dress. Do not be superfluous and a variety of accessories (handbag, pendant, decorative buttons, and so on), and headgear (panama, headscarf or hat). It all depends on your skills, desires and fantasies. Dare, study our MK, and funny goose-tilde you will definitely get!
Also in the style of a tilde you can sew a cute snail .