Psychology of color in advertising

Color can attract and repel, excite or give a sense of peace and tranquility. Colorful hues are not addressed to the mind, but to the feelings of a person. Any color causes subconscious associations in us and affects the psycho-intellectual state of a person. The psychology of advertising perception is based on the use and combination of different colors. Read more about this.

Not so simple

Color solutions in advertising are closely dependent on the natural perception of a person of certain shades. Psychology of outdoor and television advertising is based on general medical, physiological and psychological characteristics of color. Let's consider some of them:

The psychology of form in advertising, like color, affects the emotional perception of a person. Geometric shapes that differ in their simplicity (square, circle, triangle) are more quickly perceived by the viewer and better remembered.

The social psychology of advertising is to create an effective "send". The main goal is to create and attract potential and real consumers of advertised goods.

The psychology of color perception in advertising, whether we like it or not, dictates our rules when choosing a particular product. This is exactly what the customer of the promo clips expects, he is the producer.