Rheumatoid arthritis - symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that leads to the formation of an inflammatory process in the joints and tissues surrounding them. This disease most often affects the joints of the knees, ankles and hands. There is a sudden illness and always appears symmetrically, for example, in the knees and the right, and the left leg.

Healing baths for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

When the first symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis appear, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment with folk or medicamental means, otherwise severe disabilities of the musculoskeletal system may develop. The healing baths with birch leaves help well with this ailment.

Prescription means



Put the fresh birch leaves in a cotton cloth and tie it, making a bag. Put the leaves in water and boil for 30 minutes. Pour the broth into a hot bath and roll the pouch. Take such a therapeutic bath you need before going to bed every day for 30 days.

Those who want to treat rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies, you can make baths with sea ​​salt .

The recipe for the solution



Dissolve sea salt in water. Fill the bath so that when immersed in it the liquid level reaches the axillae. Pour the mixture with salt into the tub. Dive time should not be more than 20 minutes.

If a patient has pain and is worried about fatigue, treat rheumatoid arthritis with such folk remedies as baths with bran.

The recipe for bath preparation



Mix the bran with water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes and strain it well. Add the resulting broth to the bath. Dive into the water for 15-20 minutes.

Ointments for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Want to cure rheumatoid arthritis as soon as possible with folk remedies? Then use the old Ural ointment to treat the disease.

Ointment Recipe



Mix salt, mustard and paraffin. Set the resulting mixture for 12 hours in a warm place. Finished ointment should be applied to the affected area before going to bed, until the skin becomes dry. If the patient has swelling, then the joint should be bandaged.

With seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, it is better to treat with folk remedies such as birch kidney ointment or birch leaf ointment.

Ointment Recipe



Lay the oil and kidneys in layers in an earthen vessel. Tightly close the container and put in a warm place for 48 hours (if using leaves, 24 hours is enough). After this, strain the resulting mass and add camphor to it. In a day the product is ready for use. They should rub the sore spots daily.

Use such folk remedies for rheumatoid arthritis only in combination with medical baths or medications.

Decoctions for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

To treat rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers and other joints, you can use folk remedies for external use, and various broths and infusions that take inside. They have a general strengthening effect, facilitate manifestations of the disease and increase immunity. Helps to remove inflammation and activate internal resources of the body, which will help in the fight against this disease, the infusion of calendula.

Recipe for infusion



Pour calendula with boiling water. Close the container tightly. After 15 minutes strain the mixture. You need to use this infusion 100 ml three times a day.