Burdock Juice - Application

Burdock juice is a unique natural product, which is actively used in folk and official medicine. It is a kind of concentrate of all medicinal properties of burdock. The use of the juice of burdock gives very fast results in problems with digestion, organs of excretion and skin diseases.

Juice of burdock and indications for its use

Application of the juice of burdock root and young shoots of the plant helps to normalize the functions of the liver and gallbladder. This is due to the large number of bitterness in the composition of the product. Also burdock contains a plant analogue of insulin - polysaccharide insulin. With diabetes, 10 ml of burdock juice per day significantly reduces the level of sugar in the blood. Also, the product has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it gives a persistent diuretic and choleretic effect. This allows you to apply juice in such diseases:

The use of burdock juice in folk medicine implies the independent preparation of the product. In order to get juice, you need:

  1. Carefully washed the stems, leaves and roots of several strong, healthy plants to scroll through the meat grinder.
  2. The resulting mass should be carefully wrung out.
  3. Juice strain through cheesecloth.
  4. Store the medicine recommended in a sealed glass dish in the refrigerator for no longer than 3-4 days.

If you need a product for prolonged use, the alcoholic tincture of burdock root can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The standard scheme of use for the prevention of internal diseases is 0.5 h of a spoonful of juice 3 times a day before meals. The same scheme is suitable for purifying the body of toxins and strengthening the excretory function of the kidneys. For topical use, compresses are best suited.

Features of treatment of burdock juice

Because of the bitter taste often in the recipes appears application of juice of a burdock in a combination to honey. Usually the components are mixed in proportions one to one. Such a medicine can be given even to children, the main thing is that you do not have allergies to agrimony or beekeeping products.

To treat the liver and bile, it is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture 10 minutes before each meal for 2 weeks.

Widespread use of burdock juice found in the ovarian cyst and other internal organs. In general, the use of the product for this purpose is practiced among traditional healers, in official medicine there is no reliable research of the issue. To get rid of the cyst, you should drink 40 ml of juice a day in several doses for a month.