Bear bile - use and contraindications

Tibetan, Indian and Chinese healers, taiga healers and hunters since ancient times used for the preparation of medicinal products organs and products of vital activity of wild animals. This raw material is bear bile - the use and contra-indications, the effectiveness and expediency of the production of this tool is hotly discussed by the world community because of inhumane methods of obtaining the product.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications to the use of bear bile

The main active substance of the organic material in question is ursodiocholic acid (UDCA). This substance is produced in the liver of all animals and humans, but bears produce it in the maximum amount, about 39-40%.

UDCA has the following medicinal properties:

Some fans of alternative medicine adhere to the theory that with the help of bear bile can stop the growth of cancer tumors and metastases.

Given the organic origin of the drug, there are not very many contraindications:

The use of tinctures of bear bile and capsules

The drug is sold in 2 dosage forms.

Tincture can be purchased in ready-made form or made independently. For this, it is necessary to have a bear's gall bladder together, previously dried along with the contents.

The use of bear bile for medical purposes is carried out in accordance with the identified diseases, therefore therapeutic schemes are usually developed individually. Intensive action of the drug also involves careful selection of dosage depending on body weight:

Tincture is taken 30-60 minutes before the start of the meal, 3 times a day, without washing down. It is important not to exceed the prescribed dose because of the risk of poisoning and the occurrence of adverse reactions.

The course of treatment takes 30 days, after which you need to make a one-month break and hold one more.

If bearish bile is acquired in the form of capsules, its reception is much simpler - 2 tablets at meal time, preferably after 12.00. Long-term therapy is 21-30 days.

Indications for use of the drug:

Is it really necessary to use bear bile in medicine?

The considered medicine is extracted in a very inhuman way, leading to suffering and painful death of several species bears, who are already on the brink of extinction.

The active substance, UDCA, has long been fully synthesized under laboratory conditions, and it is also produced in meat processing plants under the names Ursofalk, Ursosan, Actigall, UrsoForte. Moreover, there are herbal remedies, which are a real alternative to bear bile.

The results of long and numerous medical studies of the described agent do not confirm its effectiveness and beneficial effect on the human body. The extraction and sale of bile bears still exists only because of the high profitability of this industry due to untruthful advertising.