How to treat a stomach ulcer?

Gastric ulcer is an unpleasant and dangerous disease that is difficult to treat. Nevertheless, few people realize that every day we are surrounded by those ingredients that would help at least weaken the symptoms of ulcers: their advantages are that, firstly, it is not expensive means, and secondly, effective, and at the same time they do not have such side effects as medicines.

Therefore, let's find out what can be used to treat a gastric ulcer from folk remedies.

How to treat a stomach ulcer with folk remedies?

The following means are effective only if they combine with diet and rejection of bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol.

Honey treatment of gastric ulcer

To treat ulcers should take 1 tbsp. l. honey two hours before meals and at night 4 hours after eating. This remedy helps to get rid of nausea, heartburn and pain.

Treatment of gastric ulcer with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil with regular and skillful use, as well as in combination with a diet will help the ulcer to heal more quickly. Every day for a few hours before the usual awakening you need to drink 1 tablespoon. sea ​​buckthorn oil, and then the patient can continue to sleep. This mode of reception is due to the fact that the oil should be allowed to have time to suck in the walls of the stomach until the time when the digestive tract starts to work fully.

Treatment of gastric ulcer with potato juice

This remedy is especially suitable for people with high acidity: grind the potato in a blender or on a grater without peel, and then use gauze to squeeze out the juice from the pulp. After that, drink in the morning on an empty stomach half the glass of this remedy, and then during the day, take it 2 hours before meals in the same amount. It is important that the juice was fresh, not prepared on the eve.

Treatment of gastric ulcer of aloe

This plant, namely, its flesh has a bactericidal and binding action, so this is the first remedy for gastritis and gastric ulcer. Take an aloe leaf, peel its hard part and leave the flesh. Then, with the help of gauze, strain the juice - it is in this purified form that it should be taken for 1 tsp. three times a day for 1 hour before meals.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with badger fat

This remedy helps against many diseases, including, and from a stomach ulcer: take 1 tbsp. three times a day for 2 weeks badger fat one hour before a meal. After 2 weeks, take only 2 tablespoons of this remedy a day. It should be noted that with intestinal diseases this remedy can not be taken.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with oats

This tool is convenient for those who can not in the morning long to prepare a cure for ulcers (for example, fresh juice). It is harvested for several days and then taken portionwise: you need to take 1 cup of oats, rinse and pour 1 liter. warm water, and then let it brew for 10 hours. After this, take the infusion and cook it for half an hour on low heat, then put in a warm place and insist another 12 hours. At the end of time, it is necessary to strain the agent and add water so much that the total is 1 liter. liquid. Take the broth for half a glass an hour before meals for 1 month.

How to treat propolis with a stomach ulcer?

Propolis is known for its bactericidal and astringent properties: take a 20% propolis solution and mix 8 drops with water. So it should be taken orally an hour before meals for 20 days.

Treatment of gastric ulcer with hydrogen peroxide

Today this remedy is ambiguously assessed by both doctors and those who have experienced it. Therefore, before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor. For treatment, 3% hydrogen peroxide is needed. This remedy is used according to the following scheme: 1st day - add 1 drop of peroxide to 50 ml of water, 2nd day - add 2 drops of peroxide to the same amount of water and every day increase by drop to 20. Take water with peroxide 3 once a day before meals. After a 20-day course, you need to take 10 days off, and then if the pain remains, repeat the course.

Treatment of gastric ulcer celandine

This is a rather extreme method of treatment, because celandine has an aggressive effect on the skin and mucous (they burn warts). Nevertheless, in the diluted form, the celandine juice is not so destructive, and along with it its useful properties remain. Take a fresh root of celandine and dilute 5 drops of its juice with half a glass of milk. Take this remedy 30 minutes before meals every day (no more than 3 times a day) for 10 days.