35 photos that will help understand the meaning of the word moment

Live and interesting are photos that are made by chance, they can be classified as "a second before ...". We bring to your attention a selection that will certainly bring a smile.

One moment only seems miserable, but in fact it can change the situation, mood and even life in general. Not always, but we manage to capture the same moment, but thanks to random shots we can enjoy these ridiculous shots.

1. Breakfast completely failed, I wonder what surprises should be expected during this day.

2. I had to prove to my mother for a long time that this aunt got into the frame quite by accident.

3. You hold on to a swimsuit, so that it does not fly off, but you lose absolutely another. Imagine how ashamed to leave the pool.

4. The darling was caught at the crime scene, and the fact is confirmed in the photo.

5. The face of the guy clearly shows that he already understands what will end. Without the help of a traumatologist it was clearly not done.

6. Played the ball with a friend, and he did not have time to react in time, so he got it on the nose.

7. During the counting of money at the cashier, the hair tightened in the apparatus. Colleagues did not miss the moment to make pictures.

8. This is an unusual shot, because during the time the picture was taken, the phone vibrated.

9. Sometimes foolishness in the store leads to serious consequences. I wonder what all ended?

10. When you want to make a beautiful photo with a monkey, think about the possible consequences.

11. This photo will clearly be of interest to the police, who will understand the causes of this accident.

12. I cooked the turkey for Thanksgiving and just turned away for a second. The bird could not be taken from the dog.

13. Here is such a locomotive assembled for a second, and all the guilt of the kitten running across the road.

14. If you did not know what "getting bream" before, then here's a photo-explanation.

15. A friend did not think at all about the consequences, when he put a glass with ice water on a glass table that was heated in the hot sun.

16. The pilot had one moment to save his life, and he successfully took advantage of his chance.

17. When a person completely gives himself to his dance, the audience will clearly "appreciate" it in a second.

18. Many experienced this unbearable pain on themselves, well, not all are created for sports.

19. The hardest bummer, and in fact so wanted to enjoy this huge ice cream ...

20. "Archival photo of my uncle, who recorded the moment before he fell and broke his collarbone."

21. This photo, perhaps, will remain without comment.

22. The rehearsal was not as it should have been, and there were no casualties.

23. "The cat climbed onto the roof, and I decided to save him, but no one expected this outcome. Now we are sitting together and waiting for help. "

24. When there is only one moment between the anticipation of pleasure and failure. It's hard for a guy to accept loss.

25. How can we now justify ourselves to the confectionery, why did not they get a portion of the promised cakes?

26. The moment when you stop jealous of people who ride in a gig.

27. "We just wanted to make a beautiful photo with a friend. After this photo session I had to go to the hospital. "

28. "I always knew that my brother could be relied on, but that he had such a steep reaction surprised me."

29. In a second the guy will not only stop smiling, but will also be wet.

30. You can be on a horse, but after a moment the situation can drastically change.

31. The desire to make a beautiful picture caused very serious consequences.

32. The turn on the stairs was unsuccessful and the bruises to him are exactly secured.

33. Many have friends that you do not get bored with ... and you will not make a normal photo.

34. A second before the tsunami - the perfect signature for this photo. A girl who is resting on a deckchair, obviously waiting for a surprise.

35. In this photo the man in the boat is superfluous. Unexpected pictures always turn out to be steep.