Esophagus diverticulum

Diverticulum of the esophagus is a disease in which the esophagus wall protrudes in the form of a sac or a blind tube. As a result, the function of swallowing or moving food through the esophagus may be impaired. The disease affects both women and men, mainly after 40 years.

Classification of esophageal diverticula

  1. By origin, diverticula are divided into:
  • Depending on the mechanism of development of the diverticulum, there are:
  • Depending on the participation of the layers of the esophagus in the formation of diverticula distinguish:
  • Depending on the location of the diverticula, there are:
  • Causes of esophageal diverticulum

    The cause of congenital diverticula is the inferiority of the muscular membrane and connective tissue of the esophagus. Acquired diverticula are formed for two main reasons:

    Symptoms of esophageal diverticulum:

    The pharyngeal esophageal diverticulum (Zenker's diverticulum) can be seen on the neck with the head tilted back, palpable (soft touch).

    Diagnosis of esophageal diverticulum

    The main diagnostic method for confirming the diagnosis is an X-ray study with a sip of barium. Less commonly, endoscopy of the esophagus is used because of the risk of damage to its walls.

    How to treat the diverticulum of the esophagus?

    Conservative treatment of the esophageal diverticulum is carried out in the case of a small protrusion and in the absence of complications. Conservative therapy is aimed at preventing food delays in the diverticulum and preventing the development of inflammatory processes.

    An important point in the treatment process is the maintenance of a diet that includes the use of carefully crushed, soft food. After eating, you should definitely drink a little water or unsweetened tea to "flush" the diverticulum.

    Surgery for esophageal diverticulum is indicated in such cases:

    The essence of surgical treatment is the complete removal of the diverticulum. Recently, in the surgery of diverticula, modern methods of their removal with the help of videotorakoscopic techniques are becoming increasingly widespread.