Thyroid hormones - what should women know about?

Hormones of the thyroid gland in sufficient quantity provide normal vital activity of an organism - nourish it with energy. But as soon as their level changes, problems begin that can lead to serious complications. To avoid them, you need to carefully monitor your health and know the main symptoms of hypo- and hyperthyroidism.

What hormones are produced by the thyroid gland?

Two types of biologically active substances are produced in the thyroid gland:

These hormones of the thyroid gland have conventional symbols - T3 and T4, since one contains three, and in the other - four molecules of iodine. Without the latter, the synthesis of biologically active substances is not possible. To understand how important they are, you need to know what functions the thyroid hormones perform. And they are responsible for:

Analyzes for thyroid hormones

This type of study is very important, since any change-even a slight increase or decrease-of hormone production indicates a disruption in the functioning of the organ. Indications for making a blood test for thyroid hormones, as a rule, are as follows:

Blood test for thyroid hormones - preparation

To ensure that the results are correct and have shown the most objective picture, a number of measures must be taken before donating blood. Before taking the test for thyroid hormones, the preparation requires this:

  1. Approximately one month before the study, it is recommended to refuse to take all kinds of thyroid hormones (except for those that are used according to the special instructions of the endocrinologist).
  2. On the eve of serious physical exertion. Do not even engage in light sports.
  3. For a couple of days before the test for thyroid hormones, you should stop drinking iodine supplements.
  4. At least a day before the test it is recommended not to smoke, not to drink alcohol and not to strain the nervous system.
  5. You need to give blood on an empty stomach. In this case, the patient must always be at rest.

How to pass the test for hormones of the thyroid gland?

The process of blood sampling takes place according to the traditional scheme. Before the procedure, a tourniquet is necessarily attached to the hand. There are also some nuances. This is not warned in all laboratories, but there are certain rules for the delivery of tests. Knowledge of them helps to save a lot of time and nerves. Here's how to donate blood to thyroid hormones:

  1. Common and free hormones do not give up at the same time. If the laboratory offers this, it means that employees simply try to increase the patient's expenses.
  2. There is no need to re-determine AT for TPO (specific immunoglobulins that destroy the iodine enzyme), since it has been scientifically proven that the level of antibodies does not vary with the patient's health status.
  3. Do not take the test for thyroglobulin during the initial examination. This is a specific test that physicians can misinterpret, misleading the patient. As a rule, the blood for these hormones of the thyroid gland surrenders when there is a suspicion of oncology.

Thyroid hormone norm

Substances in the body can be present in two forms: associated with proteins and not bound (free). The total number of them gives a common indicator. For each of the forms there are clearly established norms of their content in the blood. The norm of thyroid hormones in women looks like this:

Thyroid hormones are raised

Hyperthyroidism is not diagnosed as often as hypothyroidism. But this condition is considered dangerous and requires serious treatment. Elevated thyroid hormones are a clinical syndrome in which the amount of biologically active substances in the blood increases, and their toxic effect on tissues and organs is intensified. When the thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland are produced in excess, all metabolic processes and functions of internal organs are violated in the body, oxidative processes are accelerated.

Increased thyroid hormones - the causes

As a rule, hyperthyroidism develops against a background of various diseases. If the thyroid gland begins to produce hormones in excess, the patient should be checked for such ailments:

  1. Basedova's disease. With this diagnosis the thyroid gland is evenly thickened. It is put almost in 75% of cases of hyperthyroidism.
  2. Pituitary tumor. One of the most difficult and dangerous possible causes. The thyroid-stimulating hormone, synthesizing T3 and T4, is produced just in the pituitary gland. When the tumor is formed, the work of this part of the brain, as well as the thyroid gland, is disrupted.
  3. Inflammation. When the analysis of thyroid hormones shows increased indices, this may also indicate viral inflammation in the organ. And as soon as the infection is eliminated, the patient's condition is normalized.

Hyperthyroidism can also be hereditary. But recently, the disease is increasingly diagnosed in those who abuse iodine preparations. Food can not oversaturate the body with this substance, but medicines - easily. Basically, the blood on thyroid hormones is sent to give lovers of self-medication. Therefore, in order to avoid hyperthyroidism, iodine-containing drugs - even the easiest and for the prevention - should be taken exclusively according to a scheme strictly coordinated with the doctor.

Thyroid hormones are raised - symptoms

The surplus of biologically active substances has a strong effect on the body. Therefore, do not suspect that high thyroid hormones are difficult. Hyperthyroidism can manifest such symptoms:

Increased thyroid hormones - treatment

You can achieve thyroid hormone levels in a variety of ways:

  1. Drug therapy. It is used in the initial stages, when treating patients under 50. The most common medicines are: Methimazol and Propylthiouracil. These drugs inhibit the accumulation of iodine. Therapy should be conducted by the course and can be prolonged for a long time.
  2. To lower hormones in the thyroid gland helps the radioactive iodine. Concentrated aqueous solution leads to partial destruction of the organ and subsequent reduction in the amount of substances produced.
  3. Surgery. Hormones of the thyroid gland in women in order can be brought about by removing the organ entirely or partially.
  4. To support the body with hyperthyroidism will help and diet. It allows the use of river fish, cabbage, zucchini, broccoli, spinach, beans, cereals.

Hormones of the thyroid gland are lowered

With hypothyroidism, the body can not produce enough thyroxine. Low thyroid hormones lead to a slowdown in most functions in the body, including the metabolic process. Knowing the symptoms characteristic of hypothyroidism, the disease can be diagnosed on time and treated. As a rule, after a full therapeutic course, all signs of the disease disappear.

Lowered thyroid hormones - the causes

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency. But there are other factors contributing to the fact that the thyroid hormone TSH is produced in insufficient quantities. Among them:

Thyroid hormones are lowered - symptoms

Manifestations of hypothyroidism can develop slowly and worsen gradually - for several months or even years. The lowered thyroid hormone T4 is recognized by such signs as:

Thyroid hormones are lowered - treatment

Since hypothyroidism is a serious problem, it requires appropriate therapy. If low thyroid hormones, what should I do? There are two main approaches:

  1. Medicated. It is aimed at replacing the missing biologically active substances with artificial ones. But there is a significant drawback - this treatment can lead to atrophy of the thyroid gland.
  2. Restorative. This therapy allows you to bring the hormone level back to normal without the use of pharmaceuticals. The essence of the treatment is the effect on the brain and the autonomic nervous system by a weak direct current through the biologically active points.