Relations on the sign of the zodiac

There are many different systems, through which you can determine the relationship between the signs of the zodiac. We will consider the system of an astrological square. In the picture you can see a table in which all the signs of the zodiac are indicated. In the vertical scale find your sign, in the horizontal - the sign of the partner, and see what number is at the junction of the two straight lines. It also tells about the compatibility of signs of the zodiac in a relationship. For example, for Pisces and Scorpio this number is 68, and for Sagittarius and Taurus - 20.

So, if you have already found the number of your union, refer to the list of values ​​to see how your zodiac signs are combined in a love relationship.

  1. Struggle, arguments will always be present.
  2. Not long relationships, but passionate.
  3. Excellent union, harmonious and pleasant.
  4. This pair is made for each other!
  5. A lot of passion and sincere feelings are guaranteed.
  6. If these two find a compromise, everything will be fine.
  7. You will be disappointed if you do not make an effort.
  8. It is difficult to foresee, all individually.
  9. This is a union of two friends, like-minded people.
  10. Stubbornness threatens the war for primacy in marriage.
  11. Relations in which it is impossible to get bored.
  12. Cheerful, light couple.
  13. Mutual understanding on an excellent level.
  14. Too strong is the difference of temperaments.
  15. A couple in whom mutual understanding reigns.
  16. If no one concedes, nothing will come of it.
  17. Give up obstinacy for the sake of happiness.
  18. This pair has a lot in common.
  19. Passionate, stormy relationships.
  20. Mutual understanding is difficult to achieve.
  21. A perfect union for both love and friendship.
  22. It will soon become boring in this union.
  23. Long relationship and warmth.
  24. Mutual understanding at the highest level.
  25. There will be insults and inconsistencies.
  26. A pair with excellent compatibility.
  27. It is not always possible to find a common language.
  28. A gentle, rainbow union.
  29. Strong traction towards each other.
  30. One must learn to listen and hear a partner.
  31. Complex relationships, only great love here will help.
  32. Couple with adventures.
  33. Relations between a man and a woman with such zodiac signs are difficult.
  34. Relations with experiences.
  35. Harmonious relations are possible.
  36. Warm feelings are guaranteed.
  37. There is little understanding.
  38. Union for many years.
  39. Too little in common.
  40. There is a desire, but there is no happiness.
  41. It is difficult to find mutual understanding.
  42. Happy couple.
  43. Union is successful.
  44. Major quarrels are possible.
  45. A good alliance.
  46. Disputes are inevitable, but the union is strong.
  47. Happy relationship with care and tenderness.
  48. Little romance and a lot of problems.
  49. Together they are uncomfortable.
  50. Relations are short-lived.
  51. Complete understanding, but boredom .
  52. If you provide diversity, the union will be stable.
  53. Overcome difficulties and everything will be fine.
  54. Extremely difficult.
  55. Excellent union, a wonderful combination of zodiac signs in a relationship.
  56. It is difficult to understand each other.
  57. Passionate novel.
  58. Warm relations.
  59. A storm of jealousy and emotion.
  60. If desired, excellent relations are possible.
  61. Friendship is possible, love is difficult.
  62. A good alliance if there are a lot of people around.
  63. You need to learn to trust.
  64. Maybe happiness.
  65. Excellent friendship and true love.
  66. Union is too different people.
  67. Relationships will be short-term.
  68. Harmonious, happy couple.
  69. Huge love.
  70. Avoid tediousness in the name of love.
  71. Both are freedom-lovers, they will be retained only by common interests.
  72. Conflicts are inevitable.
  73. There is a chance for happiness.
  74. Spiritual intimacy.
  75. Learn to give in to each other.
  76. Sympathy, but not love.
  77. Union dreamer.
  78. Boring relationship.

Remember, everything is in your hands! Relationships on the sign of the zodiac speak only about trends, but if you are willing to change, then your happiness is in your hands.