Sign of the Zodiac "Leo": stone-talisman

If your zodiac sign is the Lion, the talisman stone for you will be, first of all, golden in color. In many sources, amber is mentioned as the main stone suitable for you. However, there are different options, and we will designate the most preferred talismans and amulets for the lion.

What is the talisman of Lviv?

So, if you are a Leo, a talisman stone for you can be both precious and semiprecious. Consider the popular options. Amber is an ideal talisman for the Lion, a "sunny stone". He combines the maximum of symbols: and a golden color, which is successful for lions, and calls it sunny. This translucent charming mineral is a powerful defense against ill-wishers, envious persons , and diseases. The longer you wear this talisman on yourself, the wiser and more just are your decisions.

Zodiac sign "Lion" talismans can choose not only yellow stones, but also variants of other bright colors. For example, a grenade is a red stone, which since ancient times is considered a stone of rulers. A person who wears it constantly will be able to better understand other people and it is easier to go with them to contact. And for creative personalities, it is also an irreplaceable thing, helping to preserve the freshness of the look.

Stone-talisman for the Lion-Woman

Usually in treatises about what a talisman is in Leo, there is no division into "male" and "female" stones. However, for girls, some stones can open new horizons - for example, a garnet contributes to the successful search for love.

If your horoscope is Leo, sapphire, ruby, spinel, carnelian, obsidian, malachite, apatite can serve as a talisman.

You can wear your talisman as an ornament, but it is better that he secretly rested somewhere in a place that is hidden from prying eyes. For example, in a secret pocket of a jacket.