Love compatibility of zodiac signs

It is believed that the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac affect compatibility. This is not surprising, because psychologists have long established that a strong alliance is a pledge of the original well-matched characters and a desire to work on relationships, to improve them.

Love compatibility of zodiac signs

It is believed that compatibility requires either the similarity of the characters , or their difference, but the overall direction is important. A deep, vulnerable person will find it difficult to get along with a superficial and frivolous, as well as a closed thinker - with a party lover.

The simplest theory of compatibility says: neighboring signs are always difficult to get along, but good compatibility is waiting for those who are in the zodiac circle through one. Thus, we single out two lines of signs, in each of which all combinations are successful:

Signs that stand in one row represent all sorts of combinations of potentially successful unions, but signs that stand in different rows may have conflicts.

Compatibility of the elements of the signs of the zodiac

There is another theory of the love horoscope of compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, from which they are divided into four groups, depending on the element-patron:

It is believed that the signs of any element works best with other signs of their own elements: water - with water, fire - with fiery. However, there is one more correspondence: the air is necessary for the fire to burn, and they also make up an excellent union; The earth needs water as a channel, and such alliances are also strong. But alliances such as water-fire and air-ground are a mix of opposites and are very complex.