Stone fianit - properties, zodiac sign

The stone fianit is presented in different color shades, which makes it popular in the jewelry art. It was created not by nature, but by man and externally it is very similar to a diamond. Perhaps because this stone was created thanks to science, it does not have many magical properties. Let's look at how the fianite affects the signs of the zodiac and what energy it has.

This synthetic mineral is often compared with loneliness. Since phianite is called the "second diamond", this stone is characterized by duality. They consider this mineral an ideal talisman for lovers of travel, as well as for people connected with journalism and spheres that require movement.

What signs of the zodiac fianit?

In principle, the properties of this synthetic mineral for all people are the same, but it still acts in different ways.

Properties of a cubic zirconia stone:

  1. Aries . The mineral directly affects the intellect, which makes it possible to improve brain function, gain new knowledge and skills. Another fianit helps Aries understand the truth of things and become more reserved and gentle.
  2. Taurus . For representatives of this sign, the stone will be a guard against self-deception, and he will also maintain the internal energy balance. In this case, fianit can be called a battery, which at the right time selects and gives strength.
  3. The twins . The properties of a black and transparent cubic zirconia stone for this sign of the zodiac consist in the ability to plan their affairs correctly, and he also gives a person the wisdom of life that allows him to better understand life. Yet this synthetic mineral teaches you to cope with excessive talkativeness.
  4. Cancer . For representatives of this sign fianit will become a powerful assistant in the love sphere. Having such an amulet, Cancer becomes more sexy and attractive. Even such a stone will give strength to struggle with different problems. With constant contact with this mineral, a person becomes more confident in himself.
  5. The Lion . Such people with the help of cubic zirkonia will be able to adjust the situation in their family. His master gives the master the ability to convince others and control his anger.
  6. The Virgin . For this sign of the zodiac, the stone fianit will be a kind of magnet that will bring to life the ideal partner. Even Virgo can count on receiving from such an amulet of support in the work and in the recognition of insincerity. Representatives of this sign can wear products with cubic zirconia permanently.
  7. Scales . With the help of this stone, such people can reveal their creative potential. He will also become more successful in the love sphere. It is best to choose minerals of green and pink color.
  8. Scorpio . Representatives of this sign can count on the assistance of cubic zirkonia in home affairs and in the strengthening of the family. Another mineral will restrain their excessive emotionality. Scorpio through this stone will be able to get rid of the accumulated negative.
  9. Sagittarius . Fianit will become assistants in studies, work or business. Another stone will fully reveal the creative potential.
  10. Capricorn . If representatives of this sign want to get rich, then you need to choose the fianit, which will help you acquire business acumen and good luck. Another mineral will help to establish harmony in the family and achieve happiness.
  11. Aquarius . Irreplaceable effect of cubic zirconia on the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, because it protects against a different negative. Still the mineral will allow to reach success in study and in dialogue with associates.
  12. Pisces . Representatives of this sign, using fianit, will be able to develop intuition and to learn the secrets of the world. Another stone will attract cash flow.

It is important to note that almost all signs are not recommended to constantly contact with cubic zirconia.