Products to increase hemoglobin

Low hemoglobin is a fairly common problem, especially among females. To not drink chemicals, it is worth to increase the number of products to increase hemoglobin. Low hemoglobin provokes a lack of oxygen in the cells and tissues of the body, which, in turn, can cause serious health problems. With oxygen starvation, the heart will drive large amounts of blood to provide the body with the necessary amount of oxygen.

Before adjusting your diet , consult a doctor, as in some people the body may not digest iron, and in that case, iron-containing foods will not help.

What foods should I use to increase hemoglobin?

With this problem will help to cope with products, both vegetable and animal origin, which include iron. Some doctors claim that iron, which is contained in animal products, is absorbed by the body much better.

If you have problems with hemoglobin, then it is worth including in the diet:

  1. Animal products, for example, meat, liver, etc. In addition, it is worth using milk and dairy products.
  2. It is necessary to include in your diet of berries, for example, raspberries, strawberries, etc. They can be consumed, both in fresh and frozen form.
  3. Still in large quantities, iron is found in bananas, garnets, nuts, grapes and wheat.
  4. Will help increase the hemoglobin of beets. For this, it is very important to consume root vegetables for several months, and this can be beet juice or a vegetable in a boiled form.
  5. In the summer season, the necessary products for increasing hemoglobin - watermelon or melon.
  6. Many know that the most affordable fruits that contain iron are apples. To increase the level of hemoglobin every day you need to eat a minimum of 0.5 kg. Important condition - after eating fruit, it is not recommended to drink tea for a couple of hours.
  7. A product that helps to cope with anemia is mountain ash. To do this, every day use 1 tbsp. spoon the juice of these berries.
  8. Helps to cope with reduced hemoglobin rosehip, or rather a decoction based on it, which must be consumed daily.
  9. A wonderful salad to increase hemoglobin - carrots with sour cream. Carrot juice also has great efficiency.
  10. Walnuts are an excellent source of iron. To achieve the desired result, you should eat 100 grams of nuts with honey daily.

This is not the whole list of products that promote hemoglobin in the blood. For example, for lovers of sweet it will be interesting to know that this problem will help to cope with chocolate. Only in this case it should be taken into account that this ability is possessed only by dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans.

Increase in hemoglobin foods during pregnancy

In such a state, it is very important for women to use folic acid , which helps to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. Vitamin B9 is found in beef liver and legumes, especially in their sprouts. They contain folic acid and citrus fruits, tomatoes, green peas, millet and other products.

Products to increase hemoglobin in the blood, with a lack of vitamin B12

In this case, the diet should include veal or beef liver, as well as salmon, sardines and herring. In addition, it is useful in this situation to eat egg yolks and soy. Still it is necessary to consider, that for assimilation of vitamin В12, calcium is necessary, therefore make an accent also on products which are rich to them.