Nettle tea is good and bad

We know from childhood that if you touch nettles, it will bring pain and a burning sensation. And only with age we learn that nettle contains a lot of useful properties, heals many diseases and is used for food. Basically, the plant is brewed, and the resulting tea from the nettle will be very useful. Below you will learn not only about the benefits of tea from the nettle, but also about its possible harm.

What is useful about nettle tea?

Nettle tea has many useful properties, namely:

Nettle tea for weight loss

To prepare nettle tea, you can use both tea bags with dried leaves bought in the pharmacy and freshly harvested ones. Brewed in the most ordinary way: pour the leaves with boiling water, let it brew for several minutes.

There is one more way of brewing, but the received drink will be more saturated and will react to infusion, and not tea. In this case, the nettle leaves should be poured in water in a saucepan and brought to a boil, after letting it brew for 30 minutes. Tea can be drunk at any time and in the desired amount, since the content of the active substance of nettle in it is negligible.

Infusion is a therapeutic drink, and it should be consumed only several times a day, otherwise you can harm the body. Nowadays, it is not necessary to collect nettles on their own, phyto-collections and ready-made herbal teas are sold in pharmacies, which are much easier to use.

What is the harm of tea from the nettle?

But it should be remembered that besides the benefits, a nettle can be dangerous. It is not recommended to drink to pregnant women, as it stimulates uterine activity and can cause premature birth. It is forbidden to use for people with cardiac and renal insufficiency, who have problems with cerebral vessels and possess high blood coagulability.