Guessing on the coffee grounds - interpretation

The interpretation of fortune telling on the coffee grounds is very popular today. Many girls think about their own destiny, so it is interesting to know the upcoming events and think about their actions.

The process of divination

For a true fortune-telling, you will need a Turk, good Turkish coffee and a porcelain coffee set. Such dishes are very smooth, so you can better see the signs and symbols. As a rule, for fortune-telling the drink is drunk without sugar, but you can add a spoon. Coffee should be drunk slowly and stay in a calm, relaxed state. This will allow you to better concentrate on your thoughts and unravel the drawn notation.

Interpretation of coffee symbols and signs

Interpretation on the coffee grounds is that the coffee must be drunk (but leave a little liquid consistency), and the remaining thick pour on the saucer. On the walls of the cup a certain sketch is formed, which will play a decisive role in this fortune-telling.

Signs on the coffee grounds will be able to tell you the next steps and make the right choice. The cup should be taken into the left hand and shaken well, rotating clockwise three times. Then you need to turn it over very quickly. Let the cup stand for about a minute so that the pattern can drain and form, then you can take it and begin to interpret. In past centuries, the importance of coffee grounds was very high, so many women took the interpretations very seriously. Guessing on the coffee grounds consists of the following notations:

There are also various figures that can designate certain events. If you take seriously the fortune-telling and carefully study all the figures, you will be able to more accurately interpret what you saw. Different letters can be formed in the cup, which can also be interpreted.

Common figures and images

Let's look at the most common images. If the fortune telling on the coffee grounds showed the horse, you should carefully see what surrounds it. The horse always represented the hope and the realization of a dream . For example, trees around a horse are not a good sign. A few horses can mean the presence of enemies. If you want to learn the interpretation on the coffee grounds of the dragon, pay attention to the situation. As a rule, any animal symbolizes good events, but you need to look at the surrounding symbols. If the dragon looks quite benevolent, you do not have to worry - pleasant changes will soon come. Many people are interested in the interpretation on the coffee grounds of the heart. Here you need to look at its appearance. If it is even and beautiful, then you are waiting for pleasant events. If it is not quite the right shape, there may be health problems. The heart can symbolize your strong feelings for the lover.

You should know that if you want to learn to guess on the coffee grounds, the interpretation can bear only a warning. Therefore, do not get depressed and wait for trouble, otherwise believe me, they will come. Instead, focus on changing the situation and expect pleasant events. Remember that our future is multivariate, therefore it can always be changed.