Dysport - what is it?

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand the meaning of an unfamiliar term, especially if it comes from another language. For example, the word "disport" immediately associated with the movement or competition, but in fact has to do with the beauty industry. Therefore, it is worth investigating in more detail what it is - Dysport.

To quickly understand the purpose in the cosmetology of Disport, it is only necessary to call it a synonym - Botox . The difference between these two drugs lies in the country of the manufacturer and the quantitative content of the active substance - botulinum toxin.

Characteristics of the drug Dysport

Dysport is a cosmetic preparation created by the French company Beafour-Ipsen-Speywood. It includes a neurotoxin of group A. This is a special protein that is extracted from bacteria of a certain type. The injection of the Dysport in aesthetic cosmetology is used to smooth and tighten the skin of the face. They can replace the peeling procedure and surgical intervention.

Principle of action of Dysport injection

On the face mimic wrinkles are formed mainly in places where the muscles constantly move:

After all, when the muscle is shortened, the skin becomes wrinkled at the same time. Over time, the epidermis becomes less elastic, so wrinkles are less smoothed, and creases become deeper and more noticeable.

The rejuvenating effect after the injection of the Disport is achieved due to the fact that the small muscles located under the skin cease to receive nerve impulses for movement. They stop for a certain period of time (paralyzed), and the skin during this time is relaxed and smoothed. The peculiarity of this method is that the skin is not injured at all.

The injection lasts several months, so in the year to maintain the effect you need to do only 2-3 injections. The duration of immobility of muscles will increase each time, which leads to a reduction in the number of procedures up to 2 times a year.

Indications for the injection of Disport

Before carrying out cosmetology procedures, the doctor necessarily examines the patient and recommends the most effective. Disport is used to combat wrinkles located in such places:

Also, such a prick can do before the correction of the shape of the eyebrows, eyes, as well as excessive sweating of the palms and feet.

How is the injection of Disporta done?


  1. Inspection and consultation with a doctor.
  2. Delivery of all necessary tests.
  3. Preparation for the procedure - disinfection of the necessary area of ​​skin and equipment.
  4. The preparation is administered subcutaneously, into the muscle located under the wrinkle. The injections are made along the fold. Anesthesia is not required.
  5. Ice is placed on the injection site, and the patient needs to spend the next 4 hours at rest, but vertically (sitting).

Relaxation of the muscles begins gradually. The result will be clearly visible already on 7-9 days after the procedure. Namely:

Thanks to minimal skin trauma, low cost (compared to other procedures), high safety and the result, Disport injections are becoming more popular. But they definitely need to be done only in a specialized salon or medical center with a doctor who received a certificate from the manufacturer. If you do an injection without compliance with technology, the possibility of developing side effects increases.