How to remove wrinkles between the eyebrows?

Wrinkles between the eyebrows are the most unpleasant, because they give the person invariably a gloomy, sad look. But the worst thing is that they are not so easy to clean. A few years ago this was possible only with the help of contour plastics. Nowadays, less radical ways have appeared. Let's discuss how to remove the wrinkle between the eyebrows without resorting to a surgical procedure.

How to get rid of the dynamic wrinkles between the eyebrows?

Most often wrinkles between the eyebrows appear in people with active facial expressions, those who are not used to restrain their emotions. By type there are static and dynamic wrinkles. Static is present on the face constantly, dynamic appear only after we frown, we will cry, or for a long time we will keep the frustrated appearance. Overcome dynamic wrinkles is very simple, for this it is enough to observe a few simple rules:

  1. Do not forget about the timely moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
  2. In time, clean the face and remove dead necrotic particles.
  3. Use care products with acids or retinol, do a peeling.
  4. Try to control facial expressions.

Deep static wrinkles between the eyebrows - what to do?

In the event that the wrinkle does not disappear, it is almost impossible to do without the help of a specialist - no cream, even with the strongest lifting effect, will not smooth out the wrinkle. For a while, a special adhesive can help, which should be glued to the problem area before going to bed, and taken off in the morning. But it is from the wrinkles between the eyebrows that the patch, for some reason, is ineffective. But with wrinkles on his forehead he can cope easily and simply.

The most natural and safe way to fight wrinkles between the eyebrows is the injection of hyaluronic acid . It acts on the deep layers of the dermis, promotes rapid tissue regeneration. The procedure should be performed every half a year, but it will not be effective if wrinkles appeared several years ago and are rather deep.

Unfortunately, in this case only Botox will help, removing such wrinkles between the eyebrows. This drug blocks the work of muscles, so that the skin will be smoothed out by itself. The main thing is to choose a competent doctor who will accurately calculate the dosage you need. Too much Botox can lead to the fact that you can not move your eyebrows and control your facial expression. However, a proven specialist is the key to success in any business, not only in cosmetology.