Vitamins for the skin of the face

The skin of the face is one of the most vulnerable parts of our body. A huge number of factors negatively affect its condition - the inability to sleep, stress, harmful food, urban dust and much more. Unfortunately, not every woman is capable at one time to eliminate all these factors from her life. And I always want to look good without exception. It is here that vitamins for the face skin come to us .

The surface layer of the human skin is renewed approximately every 21 days. During this time, old skin cells die, and they are replaced by new ones. If during this period of time to feed the skin with enough vitamins, the new cells will be more healthy. Vitamins for face skin are found in fruits, vegetables and foods rich in fiber. Below is a list of essential vitamins for facial skin and the effect that they have on our body:

  1. Vitamin A - vitamins for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Vitamin A penetrates deep layers of the skin and makes it more elastic. For women whose skin begins to sag, bags under the eyes and red veins appear, it is necessary to increase the intake of products containing vitamin A. This essential element for our skin is found in the following products: milk, liver, pumpkin fruits, zucchini, carrots, eggs.
  2. Vitamins of group B are irreplaceable vitamins for dry skin. Vitamin B is an excellent remedy for sensitive skin, prone to irritation and allergic reactions. Vitamin B is found in the following products: legumes, eggplant, greens. In addition, penetrating into our skin, contributes to its saturation with water. Also, vitamin B is able to remove inflammation and is an excellent assistant for wound healing.
  3. Vitamin C is a vitamin for skin youth. Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen in our skin, which allows for a long time to maintain its elasticity and youth. Contains vitamin C in the following products: citrus, black currant, carrots, kiwi, cauliflower, potatoes.
  4. Vitamin D - refers to vitamins for problem skin. Vitamin D promotes the removal of toxins and maintains skin tone. This vitamin is saturated with the following foods: eggs, seafood, sea kale, milk.
  5. Vitamin E - protects our skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Also, this vitamin is necessary for oily skin, as regular use of nuts, soybean and sunflower oil, can reduce the number of black dots and various irregularities on the face. Vitamin E for the skin also helps to get rid of acne.

To improve the skin vitamins should be consumed daily. Depending on what your skin needs most, you should adjust your diet. Cosmetologists recommend in As the main drinks use green tea and freshly squeezed juices. Green tea increases the tone of the skin, and in juices contains almost the entire vitamin set.

For the skin, suffering from acne, you need not only vitamins. It is also necessary to take care of cleansing the body and improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of vitamins for dry skin should be supplemented with moisturizing masks. To permanently retain the elasticity and youth of the skin, in addition to vitamins, it must be regularly cleaned and nourished with special cosmetic or folk remedies. To find out which vitamins are most useful for your skin, you should make an appointment with a cosmetologist. The specialist will be able to objectively assess the condition of your skin and tell you what vitamins he most needs.