Why do menstruals go 2 times a month?

Violation of the menstrual cycle, in its various manifestations, is a fairly common reason for a woman to turn to a gynecologist. It also happens that the monthly is observed 2 times within 30 days. There are many reasons for this kind of phenomena. Let's try to figure out why some girls have a monthly dose 2 times a month, and what are the reasons for this violation.

In what cases can the monthly be observed twice a month?

Before you find out why the monthly are 2 times a month, you need to say that the normal duration of the menstrual cycle should be 21-35 days. Each new cycle begins, immediately after the appearance of bloody discharge. Usually they are observed 1 time per month. However, there are exceptions. So, for example, if a girl has a short menstrual cycle (21 days), then for 1 calendar month she can observe the allocation 2 times, i.e. at the beginning and end of the month. In those cases, when the allocation appears immediately in the middle of the cycle, they speak of a violation.

If the girl's monthly go 2 times a month, then the reason may be:

In addition, it must be said that such a phenomenon can be the result of the presence in the body of a woman of certain gynecological pathologies. Among them are:

  1. Myoma is nothing more than a benign neoplasm of the uterus, which can grow to large sizes. With this disease, a hormonal imbalance is inevitable. It is the instability of hormone production that leads to the fact that the monthly are 2 times in 30 days.
  2. Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes can also lead to a disruption of the woman's menstrual cycle.
  3. Polyps and endometriosis can often be the cause of the onset of extraordinary menstruation in girls.
  4. A disease like uterine cancer can often be accompanied by secretions that occur regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.
  5. Violation of the blood coagulation system, can also lead to the appearance of a monthly 2 times within 1 month.
  6. It is necessary to say that the unplanned appearance of bloody discharge can be observed with spontaneous miscarriage at short notice. However, in such cases, a girl who does not yet know about pregnancy, takes them for an extraordinary month.

In addition to the above reasons, repeated monthly can also be the result of some strong experience, a stressful situation or even a change in climatic conditions.

What if the monthly go 2 times a month?

After examining the main reasons why some women's menstrual periods come twice a month, let's talk about how to behave properly in such a situation.

So, first of all, you need to pay attention to the duration of your menstrual cycle. If it lasts 21 days, and is regular, then the appearance of menstrual secretions twice in 1 month can not be called a violation. Similarly, it is necessary to assess the appearance of extraordinary discharges during puberty in young girls. So, usually on the formation of the cycle takes 1.5-2 years, during which, this kind of phenomenon is not considered a deviation from the norm.

However, if a woman on a background of a stable cycle of menstruation suddenly went to 2 times a month, then there is no way to do without qualified medical care.

Thus, when a girl has a monthly period of 2 times a month, she should not guess: whether this is a norm or a violation, but to consult a gynecologist for advice. As you know, any disease is better treatable at an early stage.