What to do if there is a delay in menstruation - the causes and solution of the problem

Violation of the cycle of menstruation in the form of untimely discharge is a frequent cause for concern for women. The reasons for the development of such a state can be many. Let's consider the situation in detail, try to establish the main factors, tell you what to do with the delay of the monthly and the basics of treatment.

What is the delay in girls?

For the first time, adolescents face this phenomenon, which sometimes may not know what "delay of menstrual" means. The term is used in the temporary absence of menstrual flow, the duration of which does not exceed 5-7 days. After this time, we can talk about amenorrhea. It is worth noting that the definition is valid for girls with a fixed cycle. In adolescents from the moment of menarche (the first menstruation) can take 2 years, until it normalizes.

Because of what there can be a delay of monthly?

The problem of violation lies in the fact that often a woman regards this phenomenon as a variant of the norm, without attaching importance. If menstruation is not observed for more than 10-12 days - this is a violation. To find out what the delay in menstrual, except pregnancy, which the girl initially excludes, conducting an express test, you need to visit a gynecologist. A comprehensive examination is prescribed:

The causes leading to the development of untimely menstruation are conventionally divided into: pathological (caused by diseases) and conditioned by external factors. So, among those that are not related to reproductive system disease:

Among the factors contributing to the delay associated with diseases are:

In addition, it is necessary to mention an ectopic pregnancy. Menstruation is not noted, and the test can show a negative result. The only method of diagnosis is ultrasound. Untimely treatment in a medical institution is fraught with uterine bleeding. Only after establishing the factor that caused the absence of cyclical excretions, you can determine what to do if there is a delayed monthly in a particular case.

When a woman is sure that there has been a delay in menstruation due to stress, what to do about it, the therapist will tell. In such cases, excellent help:

The reasons for the delay in men in adolescents

When maturing the reproductive system to understand why there is a delay in men in adolescents, in a separate case it is difficult. The multifactority of the reasons makes it difficult to identify them. Among the main things worth mentioning are:

What if there is a delay in menstruation?

First you need to calm down, exclude the stress factor - perhaps after this the menstrual period will resume. If this did not happen and the delay in menstruation continues, what to do to get them started, the doctor will tell. The algorithm of women's actions completely depends on the cause of the violation. Diagnosis is an integral part of therapy, including both general examination of the reproductive system, and the use of medical equipment.

Than to cause monthly at a delay?

You can not take self-medication, take medication without consulting with doctors. Being in the search for a drug, choosing what to drink with a delay in menstruation, a woman can harm her body. To restore menstruation doctors prescribe such drugs as:

These dosages are given as an example. The use of drugs should be consistent with physicians who specifically say what to do with a delay in menstruation. Immediately they set the dosage, type of medication, multiplicity and duration of administration. This takes into account the severity of the disorder, the number of days of delay, the absence of concomitant diseases.

Separately, it is necessary to say what to do if there is no monthly month. A visit to a gynecologist should be immediate. This condition indicates a violation of the hormonal system, requires appropriate therapeutic measures, sometimes in a hospital. Correction of the hormonal background - a long procedure, taking about six months. It must be said that no single expert will give a single answer to the question about what to do to get the month's delayed. It all depends on the situation.

Folk remedies for the delay of monthly

Traditional medicine, the recipes of which have been formed for centuries, can take place with such a violation. To list all national means for a call of monthly at a delay it is possible long. Let's note the effective ones:

  1. Infusion of leaves of nettle, dog rose, root of elecampane, oregano, yarrow, knotweed. Take 2 tablespoons, pour into a thermos, brew 1 liter of boiling water, insist 12 hours. Filter, drink half a glass before the appearance of excreta.
  2. Decoction from the root of valerian, dried chamomile, mint leaves. Plants take in the ratio 3: 4: 4. Mix, boil 200 ml of boiling water, wait 20 minutes, decant. Half a glass is drunk in the morning, the same in the evening. Take before the onset of the effect.
  3. Broth with onion peel. A prepared solution of dark brown color is drunk once. The next day there are discharges.

What to do if the adolescent has a delayed period?

Often, doctors are faced with a situation where a teenage girl has a delay in menstruation, what to do about it, how to treat - mother does not know. To begin with, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist who will conduct an examination, and will appoint additional examinations. The ultrasound of the reproductive system is necessarily prescribed, which determines the congenital anomalies of development:

After the exclusion of such violations, the girl is recommended to take a blood test to the level of hormones. When establishing their deficiency, which often prevents a normal, stable cycle, a course of hormone therapy is prescribed. Use drugs in small dosages. If the doctor's prescriptions and instructions are observed, the situation can be corrected, and after 3-4 months the cycle stabilizes.

Delay of menstruation - when to do a pregnancy test?

Even before thinking about what to do with a delay in menstruation and fighting it, you need to take a test to exclude pregnancy. In such a condition as a delay in menstruation, when to do the test - you can determine by its sensitivity. The one that has 25 mU / ml, can determine from the first day of absence of menstruation. For impatient women, the ideal option is to test the blood for hCG - already on the 3-5 day after fertilization you can get a joyful message.