The first signs of ectopic pregnancy

With the normal development of pregnancy, the egg after fertilization is attached inside the uterus, but this is not always the case. Sometimes a fetal egg is attached outside the uterus, most often it is attached to the fallopian tube. This pathological condition is called an ectopic pregnancy and it requires timely medical intervention. In the worst case, the pipe will burst and this will lead to serious complications. This situation can be life threatening. Therefore, it is so important to recognize the first signs of ectopic pregnancy in time. If you identify it as early as possible, the doctor will be able to apply more gentle methods of treatment .

Early signs of ectopic pregnancy

Of course, you do not need to try to look for symptoms of different illnesses, but it's worth noticing your ailments and going to the doctor with suspicious feelings. Also, it is not superfluous to know how to determine an ectopic pregnancy and its signs. Unfortunately, in the first weeks of the term it is very difficult to recognize such a condition, since by symptoms it is similar to normal gestation :

Based on these data, it is impossible to determine pathology. It should be noted that with ectopic pregnancy, the level of hCG hormone in the blood grows much more slowly than at the norm. So if a woman will take such an analysis, the doctor will be able to suspect a pathology if the results do not correspond to normal values. This is the only possible sign of an ectopic pregnancy before the delay.

Also, many doctors refer patients to ultrasound in a short time after the delay and a positive test result. If a specialist does not see a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, he will also be able to suspect an ectopic pregnancy and take action at the time. Therefore, it is better not to abandon early ultrasound diagnosis.

Symptoms that should alert a woman

The characteristic tangible symptoms of the pathological condition begin to appear, on average, by week 8 and depend on the location of the fetal egg. If, for some reason, an ultrasound or a blood test for hCG was not done by this time, the pathological condition is fraught with complications. Therefore it will be useful to know what early signs of ectopic pregnancy will testify about it:

After timely treatment, a woman has the opportunity to become pregnant again in a timely manner and give birth safely.