7 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

The birth of a child is considered the greatest miracle preceded by 9 months of pregnancy, during which one cell (zygote) turns into a human. The most important is the first trimester of pregnancy, when the laying and formation of all organs and systems takes place. At this time, the emerging embryo is very sensitive to the influence of harmful factors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, viral infection. The presence of other infections that are capable of maintaining a chronic inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system can lead to the formation of complex vices and spontaneous abortion.

7 weeks gestation development and size of fetus

7 week of pregnancy is considered one of the most important periods in the formation of organs and systems of the future person. Development of the embryo at week 7 is characterized by active formation of the heart and large blood vessels. Fetal size at 7 weeks is 0.8-1 grams, and its length is 8 mm. During this period, the cranial thickening of the neural tube of the embryo begins to develop into the brain. Active formation of the gastrointestinal tract occurs precisely at week 7. So, the fetus already has a rectum in 7-8 weeks, and now the esophagus and small intestine is formed.

Fetal development 7-8 weeks includes active growth and differentiation of cells and tissues of the pulmonary system. During this period, the trachea and lungs develop. At 7 weeks, further formation of the umbilical cord and placenta, which is characterized by thickening of the placenta and attachment of the umbilical cord to the uterine wall, continues. At the embryo in 6-7 weeks begins the formation of the upper limbs. If at 6 week there are only rudiments of pens, then at 7 week you can already distinguish between the handle and the shoulders, the fingers will form a little later. It is at week 7 that the face begins to appear in the embryo, tiny pigment spots appear on the side. Over the next couple of months, they gradually move to the face and form eyes.

7 weeks - what does the fruit look like?

To see the appearance and determine the size of the embryo at 7 weeks, you can use ultrasound. So, on the son the kid still resembles a fish, he still has a tail that will disappear only at the 10-11th week. The coccyx-parietal size (CTE) of the fetus at 7 weeks is 7-13 mm. Palpitation of the fetus is the most important indicator of its vital activity and full development. Palpitation in the embryo for 6-7 weeks is heard in almost 100% of cases. If the heartbeat could not be heard, the ultrasound should be repeated after 7-10 days.

Feelings of a woman at week 7 of pregnancy

At the 7th week of pregnancy a woman already knows that a new life has arisen in her and she must give up everything that can disturb or break the development of the future baby. During this period, the pregnant uterus is below the lone articulation, so the stomach is not yet visible. A future mother may not yet experience that she will not fit in with her favorite jeans. Sometimes there are complaints about unpleasant pulling sensations like before menstruation, which can be associated with a gradually increasing uterus. If they become painful or are accompanied by spotting from the genital tract, but you should immediately seek medical help.

So, we examined what kind of fruit in 7 weeks: its appearance, weight and size. Also considered the features of the formation of organs and systems in this period. It is very important for the future mother to understand that it depends on her how correctly her child is formed, that's why it is necessary to give up bad habits, observe the proper sleep and rest regime and rational nutrition. Of great importance in the proper development of the fetus is the early establishment of a female consultation and the passage of all necessary research.