The first weeks of pregnancy - what to do?

You can determine pregnancy by several obvious signs - a delay in menstruation, the appearance of a toxicosis and a positive result of a pregnancy test. The doctor will confirm the pregnancy with an enlarged uterus and a fetal egg in it.

What to do in the first weeks of pregnancy?

  1. Pay attention to the general condition of the body. If there is malaise, spotting from the genital tract, pain in the first weeks of pregnancy - you need to immediately consult a gynecologist. All these signs can talk about the threat of miscarriage or detachment of the fetal egg.
  2. If there were alcohol and smoking in the first weeks of pregnancy, or if you took potent medicines, you need to inform the doctor about it. Smoking and drinking should be stopped immediately. Even a small concentration of harmful substances contained in them can have a very negative impact on the development of the fetus, and sometimes leads to its death.
  3. Try not to get sick. Since even a mild cold, caught in the first trimester, can lead to fading of the embryo or to the development of various pathologies.
  4. Pay attention to proper nutrition in the first weeks of pregnancy. Both you and your future baby need a lot of vitamins and microelements. You can get them from vitamins, but it's better if they enter the body together with useful products. In the first weeks of pregnancy, for the rest, as well as throughout pregnancy, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, dairy products to maintain the required level of calcium. Vitamins in tablets in the first weeks of pregnancy are needed as an additional source, they will be picked up by your gynecologist. Walking in the fresh air is no less important - from the lack of oxygen, the mother and the child suffer.
  5. Sex in the first weeks of pregnancy is undesirable. The resulting orgasm causes a contraction of the uterus as a result of sexual intercourse, which can provoke detachment and miscarriage.
  6. Take the registration in the women's consultation. Usually women are placed on the register not earlier than 7 weeks of pregnancy, because the early signs of pregnancy are relative. Your doctor will send you to take the necessary tests. You will also have to visit the ENT, oculist, therapist and dentist.

How are the first three weeks of pregnancy?

The first two to three weeks of pregnancy are mostly unnoticeable for a woman, as there are no external and internal changes. The fertilized egg slowly moves to the uterus to attach to it and stay here for all the next 9 months.

The first delay and the test for hCG occur, as a rule, at the end of the third week. Visible changes begin later. These include swelling of the mammary glands, nausea in the morning. This is due to hormonal changes in the body in connection with the new condition.

The breasts in the first weeks of pregnancy become more sensitive, increases in size (swells), the nipples can change color from pink to brown.

The abdomen in the first weeks of pregnancy may also increase slightly in volume, so to speak - swell. It happens from any kind of food. There is excessive gassing in the intestines, sometimes constipation and heartburn. All this is associated with a change in the hormonal background and should not cause much concern. If you want, consult a doctor. Perhaps you need a special diet.

After the first egg and the second week of pregnancy, the fetal egg is attached to the uterine wall, the embryo becomes one with the future mother. Now the life and health of the baby is completely dependent on her condition. At mother and the child all becomes general - both a food, and a circulation.

If a woman was preparing for pregnancy, abandoned bad habits, cured the existing diseases of the genitourinary system, took care of increasing immunity and general health of the body, she in the first weeks of pregnancy has nothing to worry about.