Solid pine furniture

Modern life dictates to people high rates. We always hurry somewhere and do not have time. To compensate for such a rhythm, it is good to have in the house furniture from solid pine. After a long day's work, it's so nice to get together with the whole family and slowly drink tea at the pine table. Even this lacquered table holds a subtle, light aroma of pine.

Styles of pine furniture

Furniture art is closely connected with the styles of architecture, it reflects the public tastes and views, the relationship of society with material culture, as well as social and domestic ways. Different epochs contributed to the variety of forms and types of furniture, and the ways of processing and finishing the tree were also modified. We live in an amazing time, when in the neighboring houses you can find interiors of different styles, the same applies to the styles of furniture made of pine.

Furniture made of pine under the old days gives a unique coziness, brings us back to childhood, and sometimes it may seem that even a moment and smell of grandmother's bread or pie. Time next to such furniture slows down its course and the person has the opportunity to fully relax. People who spend a lot of time surrounded by such furniture are less exposed to stress, confidently look to the future and easily achieve their goals.

Furniture from pine Provence can often be found in cottages. Provence style takes a person far from the city's everyday life, fills the heart with peace and joy. For many years pine furniture has a delicate aroma of pine needles. This allows you to harmoniously combine the interior of the villa with the appearance and aromas of your garden. Furniture in the style of Provence, located on the veranda, will give you many pleasant evenings in the circle of your loved ones. Furniture in this style contributes to the discovery of creativity, often the owners of such furniture begin to engage in embroidery or knitting.

Painted furniture made of pine is also not rare, it can be found in many houses. Such cabinets, tables, curbstones, chairs easily find their place in the living room, in the kitchen and even in the bathroom. Pine furniture serves for many years, sometimes for more than one generation, paint and varnish prolong the life of such furniture. Until now, in small towns and villages, you can see painted furniture made of pine, made by the great-grandfather of the owner of the house.

Furniture made of pine in different rooms

Kitchen furniture made of pine is perhaps the most common type of wooden furniture. It has long been noticed by people that pine has a positive effect on humans. She shares her energy and the person improves health, mood, increases efficiency. It is located in such a kitchen nice and useful for the owner and all members of the family.

Bathroom furniture from pine at first glance may seem impractical. But it is necessary to imagine the fragrance when the bath is full of hot, moist air, and all doubts go away. Furniture made of solid pine looks great in the bathroom and will last much longer than the furniture made from chipboard.

Furniture from pine in the hallway accompanies and meets its owners. In the morning he gives a charge of cheerfulness for the whole day, in the evening he takes in the embrace of warmth and comfort. The furniture in the hallway creates the first impression of our guest house, and the pine furniture for the hallway is a good visiting catholic.

Items of pine furniture

Cabinets, tables, chest of drawers - it's not all pieces of pine furniture. The pine is soft, so usually every carpenter starts with it, and for a long time remains a favorite material of furniture designers. Stools, benches, shelves - with these simple things begins the path of the furniture designer.

It's no secret that the most high-quality furniture is made of natural wood . This is the most environmentally friendly material, which requires some skills in making furniture. Furniture made of pine is cheaper than from oak, beech or birch, this is due to the cost of wood and with certain subtleties of work with different types of wood.