How to behave in Egypt?

The safety of a trip to Egypt, a country with strict traditions and little tolerance for "dissenters", largely depends on the behavior of the tourists themselves. No matter how hospitable the locals may seem, one must always remember that the difference in mentality is capable of creating a catastrophe out of the inconspicuous for Russians.

Women simply need to know how to behave in Egypt. In a country where the majority of the population adheres to the Muslim faith, very strict requirements are imposed on the behavior of women, that is why even modest gestures and manners for the Muslims can be a model of debauchery for a Muslim.

Outside the hotel

On the territory of the hotel you can walk in bikinis and open clothes, but outside of it you will have to dress modestly. The streets of Egypt - a territory subject to the laws and customs of the Egyptians, people with hot southern blood.

  1. Do not go with your head uncovered. A beautiful shawl protects from the sun and the sebaceous looks of men for whom any woman with an uncovered head is already a debaucher.
  2. Cover your shoulders and stomach. A woman with open shoulders is stripped to the waist. And so the open stomach and at all the top of indecency. In general, closed clothing on a woman is one of the main security requirements in Egypt. It is such an understanding in the course of the Egyptians. Out of the consequences of sparkling with bare shoulders - looks, words, pestering.
  3. Do not go outside the hotel alone. Even with closed shoulders, in a scarf and sunglasses. Only with the accompanying man. In response to the question of whether you are married, always say that you are married, and better wear a ring on your finger.

The rules of conduct for women in Egypt may seem strict to those who go on vacation for the first time, but tourists who have visited the country always recommend to follow these tips.

Tips for everyone

In general, the basic requirements for the rules of behavior of tourists in Egypt can be reduced to several items:
  1. Be modest. This is what it means to dress modestly, speak quietly, do not point at anything with your finger, do not wave your arms. In general, the palm in Egypt is a sign of protection, so waving hands before the faces of Egyptians (for Russian tourists is characterized by Italian emotionality in gesturing) means insulting them with distrust.
  2. Do not walk alone.
  3. Do not molest the local residents with questions, it is advisable not to meet their eyes.

About the lefties

For left-handed tourists, security in Egypt can depend on seemingly quite familiar things.