Marjoram - application in folk medicine and cosmetology

Many famous culinary experts know what a marjoram, useful properties and contra-indications of which have been heard for several centuries. Its multifunctionality is amazing, because the fragrance is used in many perfumes, and even the human body receives a lot of vitamins from it.

Marjoram - what is this plant?

The pleasant aroma of an exotic plant has long attracted cooks and was used to prepare various dishes. Independently it grows only in the following places:

In Russia, he is accustomed to growing on his own, creating favorable conditions. The procedure for planting is painstaking, but worthwhile. The plant has two varieties:

  1. Garden, or flower has a bushy shape and inflorescences of white, blue and pink. Small flowers should be expected from late July to early August.
  2. Leafy, or wild also very bushy, but not having inflorescences. All useful qualities of the flower go to the sheets and they are collected in July and in September.

A beautiful marjoram, whose useful properties and contraindications are well known, was very popular in ancient Egypt, the plant was considered decorative and applied it in medicine. Still from it did beautiful bouquets and presented to tsaritsam and high ranks. The Greeks considered him to be the goddess Aphrodite, and therefore wreaths of flowers were worn on the heads of newlyweds.

The medicinal marjoram, the chemical composition of which has an excellent effect on the human body, is as follows:

Marjoram - useful properties

Now and then the herb marjoram was used by the heart and the restoration of memory. A large amount of essential oil , available in colors, is used in perfumery and cooking and nowhere can this ingredient harm. Specialists note that marjoram has a positive effect on:

Knowing the useful properties and contra-indications of marjoram, one must also take into account that its essential oils have antimicrobial properties. With the help of it, the body is cleared of staphylococci without the use of an antibiotic. In addition, the grass can:

Marjoram - treatment of the spine

Completely cure the sick back with the help of grass does not work, but to relieve the pain and contribute to recovery is quite real. Ancestors are used to insisting marjoram on alcohol, and after smearing a sore spot. This recipe is recognized as one of the most effective in combating diseases of the spine.

Tincture of marjoram for alcohol



  1. Put the prepared grass in a closable container.
  2. Pour half of alcohol, close and leave for a week in a warm, dark place.
  3. After a week, add more alcohol to the swollen leaves, and stand for another week.
  4. Rinse the backbone three times a day.

Marjoram with gastritis

Not always the treatment of gastritis is possible only in a medical way. Spice marjoram prepared with ointment will be an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Earlier, with her help, the abdominal pain was removed from children by simply rubbing the area around the navel with it. Now, for treatment, it is advised to drink infusion, to restore digestion and strengthen the stomach.



  1. In the boiled water add the grass and leaves and leave for five minutes.
  2. Cool and drink completely.
  3. You can apply twice a day.

Marjoram for insomnia

Nervous shocks can cause a person prolonged insomnia. Spicy grass marjoram can help to partially remove its symptoms, because it gives a relaxing effect on the body. Bought in a pharmacy and brewed grass relieves:

Marjoram for lactation

During the breastfeeding period, the plant is recommended not to use marjoram, as well as during pregnancy. A positive impact on the mother does not mean the same and the baby may have an allergic reaction , and this is very dangerous for the unborn babies. Transmitted with breast milk drug can cause unpleasant sensations, such as:

Marjoram from a cough

Most viral diseases are accompanied by a cough, and the grass can provoke a good sputum discharge. Knowing how to brew marjoram, you can effectively treat even chronic bronchitis. Positive action is provided by essential oils that gently envelop the respiratory tract. It is advised to do inhalations with the help of a nebulizer , in this way there is more chance of going on an amendment.

Marjoram in cosmetology

Since ancient times, this herb was considered a good natural antiseptic. It is added to many lotions, creams, poppies and much more. Marjoram for the face has become very popular recently, because it gives a good result, such as:

Nutritionists also do not let it out of sight and many menus contain a majorana for weight loss. In itself, it is high in calories, but it is not required in a separate form, it is used in the form:

The daily rate perfectly restores digestion, and this is the first step to a beautiful figure. From the body begin to leave the slag and harmful trace elements. Using grass in the form of spices, a person begins to feel satiety faster. In addition, it has a good diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from the body. Do not overdo it, abuse can lead to dehydration.

Essential oil of marjoram - properties and application

The antiseptic essential oil of marjoram has a good analgesic effect. It belongs to the group of rare hypotensive oils that have the property of lowering arterial pressure and normalizing the work of the heart muscle. Another oil of this plant is capable of:

Equally rarely it is used in the domestic sphere and cooking. In the kitchen almost every housewife has cleaning products, with the addition of marjoram oil, because it has a pleasant smell. As a seasoning it is indispensable for:

Marjoram - contraindications

Grass marjoram is not as safe as it would seem. Treatment with it does not always bring a positive result and at best it needs to be combined with medications. Marjoram harm brings not life-threatening, but with unpleasant consequences and it is not advised to take:

An overdose of marjoram is unlikely, but such cases have happened. Feelings from it are similar to the consequences that will be when ignoring contraindications.

  1. Itching, unpleasant rashes on the skin.
  2. Cough, sneezing, runny nose, tear.
  3. Bad mood , drowsiness.
  4. Headaches, migraines, fever.