Inhalation with pharyngitis in the home

Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa and lymphoid tissue in it. Most often, such a disease occurs after the penetration of various viruses, microbes (staphylococci, streptococci) and Candida fungus. The first symptoms of pharyngitis are pain, throat swelling, hoarseness, cough, with hard-to-separate sputum and fever.

Inhalation with pharyngitis in the home

The simplest, safest way to directly get medications on the inflamed mucous is the inhalation. At home you can make steam manipulations (breathe over the hot herbs decoction, add essential oils) or using a modern nebulizer device that sprays solutions to aerosol state. Inhalation is contraindicated at high temperature - above 38.5 and if they are used even for babies and pregnant women, then before the beginning of treatment by a ferry of young children to know whether it is possible to do inhalation with pharyngitis, it is recommended in a pediatrician.

With what to do inhalation with pharyngitis?

When performing inhalations with a nebulizer, you can use:

Steam inhalations can be performed using herbal decoctions (sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, St. John's Wort) or add essential oils of tea tree, juniper, eucalyptus, mint or pine. Adherents of folk and traditional medicine declare one voice about the favorable effect of oils, so they can be used without undue fear.

Steam inhalations

Hot herbal broth is poured into a pot or kettle, covered tightly with a blanket and breathe for about ten minutes. The course is usually enough for five sessions. To conduct inhalation with herbs at home, you can brew all the same herbs described above. For cooking, take the grass in the proportion of one tablespoon per half liter of boiling water, stand on a water bath for 15 minutes. To facilitate sputum removal and better penetration of active substances from plants add one tsp. soda.

These procedures soften irritated and inflamed mucous, relieve unpleasant sensations and hoarseness. Do not perform inhalation with steam at a temperature above 38 ° and polyps in the nose . Listening to the prohibitions is necessary in order not to aggravate the patient's condition and not to provoke exacerbations of the condition and even more development of the inflammatory process.

Oil inhalation with pharyngitis

For the treatment it is better to use a kettle with boiling water and breathe through a paper funnel, because essential oils irritate the eyes. You can use tea tree oil , juniper, mint and eucalyptus oil for inhalations. The best oil for inhalation is obtained if you dissolve 5 drops for a dessert spoon of olive or almond. The mixture must be poured into hot water with a coffee spoon of soda. Oil creates a film to protect the mucous pharynx, reduces inflammation and cough. Contraindications for holding - pharyngitis with dusty occupational diseases and allergy.

Inhalation with pharyngitis saline

The physiological solution for inhalations is used to moisten the pharyngeal mucosa, reduce perspiration, suppress the cough reflex, dilute and facilitate the excretion of sputum. Such manipulations are carried out through special devices - ultrasonic or compression. 3 ml of solution are used for one procedure. Inhale at least two times a day. The device converts the liquid into a fine-dispersed cloud and the particles easily pass into the respiratory tract. Such therapy has no contraindications.

Gentamicin for inhalations with nebulizer

Therapy with antibiotics is indicated for pharyngitis caused by bacterial infection in acute and chronic periods. Gentamicin has a broad antimicrobial effect and is effective in diseases of the respiratory system. For adults and children after twelve years, gentamicin solution for inhalation is prepared in the proportion of 3 ml of saline solution 20 mg (0.5 ml of ready 4% solution) of gentamicin. For children under 12, the pediatrician calculates the dose individually. Conduct inhalation only through the nebulizer twice a day.

Inhalation in chronic pharyngitis

In the chronic course of the disease, in addition to coughing, dryness and itching, hard-to-remove viscous sputum appears in the throat, therefore, the use of drugs that dilute and facilitate the separation of mucus from the respiratory tract, has anti-inflammatory effect. Fluimucil (solution for inhalation) contains acetylcysteine ​​and water. During the procedures, adults are sprayed with the contents of the ampoule for 15 minutes three times a day. The course lasts not less than ten days.

For all types of inhalations, there are general rules for conducting: