Iodinol is an application

With all kinds of dermatological diseases, as well as pathologies of the mucous membranes, Iodinol is prescribed - the use of this drug is due to its antiseptic and antibacterial action. One of the advantages of the drug is its low toxicity, in addition, it has a very wide spectrum of action.

Indications for use of Iodinol

In the instructions to the solution it is indicated that it is advisable to use it in such diseases:

Method of application of Iodinol

In case of severe purulent otitis should be instilled in the ear of a drug solution in an amount of 5-8 drops not more often 2-3 times a day. It is also recommended to wash the sink with a mixture of Iodinol and boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2 or more dilute suspension (with increased sensitivity of the skin to alcohol-containing preparations). The course of otitis therapy is 2-3 weeks, after visible improvements, it is advisable to continue the procedures for another 7 days.

To treat trophic and varicose wounds, as well as purulent ulceration of the skin, you should moisten the medicine with a gauze napkin folded three times. This compress is applied to the previously cleaned skin (water and soap) 1-2 times in 24 hours. It is worth noting that the bandage itself is not removed, only moistened with iodinol as it dries. The therapy should last 5-7 days.

Chronic tonsillitis is subject to washing of the lacunae of the tonsils by means of the solution in question. The use of iodinol in angina is performed with a medical syringe (1 tablespoon of medicine is required per 1 glass of water). Total need 4-5 washes with interruptions between them for 2 days. Before using it is important to give a smear to make sure the sensitivity of the drug microflora, which is the causative agent of the disease. In rare cases and in the absence of pathologies of the thyroid gland, you can lubricate the tonsils with a clean solution.

With periodontitis, the use of Iodinol is to rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day until the condition of the mucous membranes improves, and the inflammatory process is not stopped.

To get rid of atrophic rhinitis and ozona it is recommended to spray nasopharynx with a drug 2-3 times per week. The course of treatment is 2.5-3 months.

For the treatment of purulent wounds, as well as burns, a gauze dressing (loose), previously impregnated with medicinal solution, should be applied. It is not necessary to change it, it is important to wet the fabric on demand. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of damage to the skin.

Iodine also is sometimes used for stomatitis . It is necessary to make a solution: in a glass of warm water drip the drug until it gets light brown color tone. The received medicine is recommended to irrigate the oral cavity 2-3 times a day.

Application of Iodinol orally

Oral preparation is prescribed only for the treatment of tertiary syphilis and prevention of atherosclerosis. A single suitable dosage does not exist, as it is selected strictly individually after the results of a laboratory blood test for the production of hormones (T3, T4 and TTG). The fact that iodinol affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and improperly selected therapeutic doses can cause endocrine diseases and disorders.