Poor blood circulation

Absolutely all cells of the human body must be constantly provided with nutrition and oxygen. Poor blood circulation not only worsens this process, but also prevents regular removal of carbon dioxide and metabolic products. In addition, this pathology provokes significant heart failure (impaired pump functions) and other vital organs.

Symptoms of poor circulation

The initial stages of deterioration of hemodynamics are not accompanied by any signs. In the future, clinical manifestations are so nonspecific that immediately diagnose pathology also fails.

Notable symptoms of the disease are observed even with a severe shortage of blood supply:

What to do with poor circulation in the legs and arms?

The violation of hemodynamics in the extremities testifies to the pathology of the peripheral blood flow. To cope with this state can be through an integrated approach. It includes medication and physiotherapy treatment.

In the first case the doctor individually selects systemic and local drugs from the following groups:

Additionally, it is recommended to wear compression linen, exercise, swimming.

What to do in case of poor central circulation?

Deterioration of hemodynamics in the vessels of the brain and heart is much more dangerous than violations of peripheral circulation. Therefore, with the slightest suspicion of this pathology, it is important to immediately contact a specialist or call an ambulance.