Constipation after childbirth

The problem with the work of the intestine is one of the most common during pregnancy. Among them, flatulence, diarrhea and constipation. Unfortunately, constipation can continue to remind of itself and after childbirth. Solving the problem of constipation after childbirth is also difficult, as in pregnancy, because the period of breastfeeding limits the intake of even more drugs. We will try to consider in detail the causes of constipation after childbirth and the methods of its treatment (official and folk).

Why do constipation occur after delivery?

Now we will understand the reasons for constipation after childbirth, then it becomes clear how to get rid of them. So, the causes of stool disorders in the postpartum period can be:

Constipation after childbirth - what to do?

In order to determine how to cure constipation after childbirth, consider traditional and non-traditional methods. To traditional include a diet, candles, tablets and syrups. If a young mother is suffering from constipation after childbirth, then the first thing to do is to revise the diet. From the daily diet should be removed flour, pasta and sharply limit the sweet. In the nutrition of the nursing mother should be present products containing coarse fiber (whole grain bread, cereals, vegetables), low-fat protein products (meat, dairy products).

Candles of constipation after childbirth is one of the most sparing ways to cause stools. So, glycerin suppositories, most often prescribed for constipation, have two mechanisms of action. First, mechanical irritation of the rectal mucosa stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Secondly, liquefying in the ampoule of the rectum, the glycerin candle is mixed with its contents and promotes its excretion outside. An important point in the use of candles is their predominantly local action with minimal absorption into the regional bloodstream.

Excellent means of constipation after birth are syrups on the basis of lactulose (coarse fiber, which stimulates the intestinal peristalsis), they include Dufalac, Norma, Lactovit. Their main advantage is safety for their mother, and they do not enter the breast milk and act strictly in the intestines. Lactulose-based syrups do not cause painful spasms in the intestines and allow easy emptying of the intestine.

Constipation after childbirth - folk remedies

In the treatment of constipation in the postpartum period to help people's methods come. So, high efficiency is enjoyed by freshly squeezed beet, carrot, apple juices. Decoctions of herbs (bark buckthorn, harvesting herbs) help to cope with constipation.

As we see, the problem of constipation after childbirth remains relevant and its solution in each case is very individual. Therefore, if a woman encounters this problem, it is first worth trying to normalize the stool by eating and drinking lots of fluids. If this does not help, you should see a doctor so that he can help you find the right treatment.