Artificial childbirth

Almost every woman heard something about artificial delivery. But, not everyone knows how and where artificial birth is done. At once it is necessary to specify, that in Russia artificial stimulation of sorts is possible only on medical indications.

Artificially induced labor

Artificial birth is termed abortion at a later date, after the 20th week, when a normal abortion or vacuum is not possible. There are several common methods.

  1. Admission of the hormone prostaglandin. The hormone provokes contractions, causing the cervix to open. Currently, it is rarely used, as it causes extremely painful sensations.
  2. Reception of the analogue of prostaglandin - mifepristone. The method is considered safer and does not cause severe pain.
  3. Salt abortion. During the procedure, the amniotic fluid is pumped out and the saline solution is injected. The fetus slowly dies from a brain hemorrhage and a chemical burn. The process is delayed for about two days, after which the body of the unborn child is removed from the female body.

It happens that artificial birth ends with the birth of a stillborn baby. As a rule, he is injected with potassium chloride to stop the heart.

Artificial delivery for medical reasons

Indication for artificial childbirth is the situation when pregnancy threatens the health and life of a woman or leads to the birth of an unviable baby.

  1. If the gestation period has exceeded 41 weeks, artificial labor is indicated.
  2. If after the passage of amniotic fluid passed 24 hours, but the natural birth did not occur. Procrastination threatens the development of an infectious process, both in the mother and in the child.
  3. At a threat to the life of the mother due to the presence of such diseases as: diseases of the cardiovascular system, severe disorders of the central nervous system, diabetes mellitus, impaired renal function and others.
  4. In acute toxicosis in late pregnancy.
  5. When revealing genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

In all these cases, the decision to terminate the pregnancy is taken only after receiving the results of the survey. The decision is made for each specific case. Interruption of pregnancy is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of medical personnel. It must be remembered that artificial birth in the home, without proper medical support, can lead to death.

Planning pregnancy after artificial birth

The onset of pregnancy after artificial childbirth may be difficult due to the presence of severe complications. Most often, these are infectious and inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs and the reproductive system. Infectious process, arising on the damaged surface of the uterus, extends to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The function of the mucous membrane is disrupted, which leads to the impossibility of fixing the fertilized ovules to the wall of the uterus. There comes infertility.

Inflammatory processes lead to a violation of the hormonal background, as well as to changes in the menstrual cycle, which makes conception practically impossible. If conception does occur, there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy, which threatens the life of a woman.

One of the most serious complications is inflammation of the peritoneum, leading to infection of the blood.

After artificial delivery, time is needed to restore the normal functions of the reproductive system. Therefore, the possibility of conception should be discussed with a gynecologist.