How to ease the pain in bouts?

The birth of a child is a very complex and painful process. The health of the mother and the baby depends on the course and outcome of labor. The pain is a natural reaction of the female body.

Many women, especially those who give birth for the first time, are very afraid of childbirth. And the first thing they think about is how to ease the pain in bouts? The use of modern painkillers has a number of limitations, because they have a strong impact on the condition of the child and the mother after childbirth. Therefore, resort to them is only for certain indications.

Childbirth is a normal physiological process that can be successfully transferred to almost every woman. But fear, anxiety and excessive anxiety can increase muscle tone, which, in turn, will provoke unnecessary pain. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance for this process.

How can you ease the contractions?

Nature itself helps a woman to alleviate pain. In the process of labor, the body produces a large number of biologically active substances - adrenaline, endorphins, ankefamines, which increase stress resistance, muffle pain and help to relax. What can a woman in childbirth do to ease the contractions?

There are many methods that help to reduce pain. Let's consider the most effective of them. First of all, it is self-adjusting, proper breathing, massage, water, partner support.

  1. Psychoprophylaxis for childbirth, or self-adjustment. Childbearing is an important stage in the life of every woman. No pain can compare with the happiness of motherhood and the emergence of a new life. It is important to be able to focus not on your pain, but on the well-being and health of the baby, which goes through a difficult birth path. Gather in advance a maximum of information about the upcoming process. Understanding what is happening to you will help to endure pain more easily.
  2. Relaxation and relaxation. To facilitate childbirth and contractions will help both self-adjustment and relaxation. Rest in breaks between contractions - it will help to save forces for further labor. You can try to listen to pleasant relaxing music or watch an interesting video.
  3. How to reduce the pain during bouts with the help of breathing ? It is very important to learn how to breathe properly. When fighting, you need to breathe slowly. Breathe in through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. In this case, you need to keep a measured rhythm. At the peak of fights, you can breathe "dog-like" - short, intermittent breathing. In between breaks - relaxation.
  4. Massage. In order to reduce pain, it is enough to massage the cervical spine, the sacrum and the protruding points of the pelvic bones. You can do this as yourself, so with the help of a partner.
  5. How can you ease the bouts with water? Taking a warm bath or a warm shower can significantly reduce the pain. After all, warm water soothes and helps to relax.
  6. Partner. Many women are helped by the presence and support of a loved one - husband, mother, sister or girlfriend. Childbirth is faster and easier when there is a native person nearby.
  7. How can the correct posture facilitate the contractions? Each woman can independently or with the help of a midwife pick up a pose that will facilitate the contractions. It is worth experimenting, until you pick up a comfortable pose for yourself.

Poses facilitating fights:

Of the many methods that facilitate the course of childbirth, you will certainly find one that will help you. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything. After all, wise nature has provided everything. The birth will quickly end, and you will be rewarded with the appearance of the baby in the world!