Nymphaea in the aquarium

Nymphaea in the aquarium is a beautiful decorative plant with huge leaves of a heart-shaped form, which is popular with owners of domestic ponds. The leaves of the water lily sit on long petioles emanating from a powerful rhizome. Floating leaves can be formed only at a small level of water.

Varieties of nymphs

There are two main types of nymphs:

  1. Green or tiger nymphaeum. The tiger water lily leaves a bright green color. As a pattern, nature showered the plant with burgundy-brown dots of different size and shape. The green nymphea blooms in a home pond, releasing a standing flower stalk with a white fragrant flower that opens at night. It is considered unpretentious in content and hardy.
  2. Red nymphea. Artificially excreted water lily with unusual burgundy-red leaves. They can stay immersed in water or come to the surface. The plant blooms regularly.

This amazing attraction to the plant requires some care.

How to plant a nymph in an aquarium?

The aquarium soil for the water lily should be filled with organic. As a basis small pebble is applied, in it it is possible to mix clay, peat or charcoal. The depth of the soil should not be more than 7-9 centimeters. Nymphaeas are best planted, leaving the bulbs above the ground, immerse in it only the roots. The root system of bulbous plants grows quite powerful and strong.

As a planting material it is better to use young strong shoots with succulent leaves on low cuttings.

Care for water lilies

When keeping the nymphaea in an aquarium, the following care recommendations should be followed:

  1. The optimum temperature of water is 24-28 degrees, when it is cooled to 22 degrees, the plant ceases to bloom;
  2. To ensure that the water lilies grow quickly, they need soft water;
  3. The plant needs bright lighting to keep its beautiful coloring;
  4. Periodically, you need to remove the old leaves worn along the edges;
  5. Reproduction. Nymphaea reproduce by two methods:

With proper care, the plant quickly grows.

Nymphaeas (water lilies) are beautiful creatures, fascinating with their beauty. They will become a real decoration of the aquarium, perfectly complement the design of the reservoir.