How do snails multiply?

Snails are one of the most interesting inhabitants of the aquarium. They not only please our eyes like exotic fish, but also perform a useful cleaning function for the aquarium. Amateur-aquarists specially lead several snails to help keep the container clean.

If you want to breed shellfish at home, you must know about how aquarium snails breed.

How do the yellow snails of the ampularia multiply?

Each species of snails has a slightly different appearance. For example, let's take the ampullar snails popular among aquarists: they are large enough specimens that are amphibians. They live in water, but are able to exist for a while on land. Distinguish the male ampulyarii from the female is almost impossible, so it is best to have 3-4 snails, and after the first masonry, mark their shells in different colors depending on the sex.

The female of the ampularia crawls out to lay eggs on the top lid or sidewall (above the water line), and may even leave the aquarium altogether. This happens exclusively in the evening or at night, so do not be surprised if you find a laying of eggs near the aquarium, especially if it is without a lid. The snail senses the temperature and humidity of the environment and determines where it is best to lay eggs. The masonry is at first transparent, then becomes turbid and becomes pink, and towards the end of maturation it darkens. Newborns will be hatched, hatched from caviar, it is best to put it in a separate container for a while, since they often die in a common aquarium.

In order to successfully breed snails Ampularia, you should pay sufficient attention to the content of these mollusks. In particular, it is necessary to monitor the temperature and hardness of water, as well as the pH value, which should be at least 7. Do not forget to feed snails regularly with finely chopped plants, pipe-man, cyclops.

How do the terrestrial snails of ahhatina multiply?

The reproduction of snails of Akhatin occurs differently. Young snails reach puberty at the age of about one year. During this time, they must reach their maximum in size, and also be healthy, receive adequate nutrition and the necessary care.

Like all land mollusks, each individual ahatina is a hermaphrodite, it has both female and male sexual organs, and therefore all these snails are able to lay eggs. However, for mating they still need a partner. Pregnancy lasts about a month, and a few weeks after sexual contact, each snail buries into the ground to half and makes masonry. Eggs ripen during the period from 3-4 weeks to 2 months, and in the laying there can be up to 400 eggs. Strong eggshell is thinned (calcium from there goes to the formation of the shell of the mollusk) and gradually dissolves, as a result of which the snail is in the ground. For several days she eats what remains of the shell, and then creeps out to the surface. When you see that in aquarium babies have appeared, you can immediately begin to feed them: best for this fit grated vegetables, you can also add crushed limestone to food.

However, it often happens that some snails eventually stop laying eggs. The reason for this is most often the age of ahaatin, when the female beginning begins to predominate. In this case, it is desirable to attach a few young snails to the old snail, and the breeding process will be adjusted.

It is necessary to avoid crossing the snails from one masonry - this leads to further degeneration and the appearance of all kinds of anomalies.